
2021-07-23 06:31:40 字數 2850 閱讀 8389


1. lazy marry

2. one song



5. the more we together

6. one song

twinkle little star

8. yankee doodle

9.if you』re happy

snow white contents

sw---白雪公主 q---皇后 m---魔鏡 h---獵人

p---白馬王子 d---小矮人 a---小動物

**起(lazy mary),旁白

a long time ago, in a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was snow white, she was a beautiful princess. year passed, the king got married again, the people didn』t love the new queen, because she was cruel.

one day, in the king』s palace:


s.w: my name is s.

w , i am a beautiful princess ,nice to meet you. look ! there are some flowers.

**起,皇后、魔鏡出場(旁白:this is the new queen, she is beautiful, but she is very bad.)

q: i am a queen, i』m very beautiful,where is mirror?

mirror, mirror , who』s the most beautiful?

m: not you s.w!

q:snowwhite? hunter, go to kill s.w.

h: snowwhite? but…

q: no, kill her.


h: yes, my queen


s.w: help me ,help me, please, please

h: ai! a poor girl, you go.

s.w: thank you! thank you!


旁白: s.w goes to a wooden house.

s.w: may i come in ? nobody in here. one two three …oh seven bottles. i am hungry,

(拿起一碗吃) oh, i』m tired . i want to sleep.


d: 1/look, who ate my food----

2/who drank my water----

3/who is sleeping now----

4/what a beautiful girl!----


(齊說)good morning!

s.w: who are you ?

5. we』re short man. why are you in here?

my name is s.w .my mother is dead. the queen want to kill me.

6. don』t cry ,snow white. we will help you..

(齊說):me too. (**響起<5. the more we together

>,圍著s 唱歌)


q: mirror, mirror

who』s the most beautiful?

m: not you! snowwhite

q: what? s.w is not dead?

hahaha, i got a good idea!


q: apple ,apple, beautiful apple,

s.w: hello, good morning grandma!

q: pretty girl ,would you like a bite?

s.w: oh, yes ,thank you grandma!


q: the girl is dead! hahaha…

mirror, mirror. who is the most beautiful.

m: you , you.

q: hahaha….(笑著下場)

(**起(tinkle tinkle little star ) 小矮人出場、圍著公主哭:

7:what』t the matter. s.w. oh ! she is dead.

(齊哭)s.w wake up, wake up…


p: a beautiful girl! she shall be my queen!


s.w: thank you for your help!

p: you』re welcome

**起,小矮人、公主、王子跳起歡快的舞 (if you』re happy )


巫婆 哼哼哼,只有你乙個人在家?白雪公主 啊,是啊,不過 巫婆 那幾個小矮人都不在?白雪公主 不,不在 巫婆 聞聞聞 做飯啊 白雪公主 對,士多啤梨派 巫婆 只有蘋果派才能叫人垂涎三尺,而且,最好是用這種蘋果 白雪公主 看起來好像很好吃 巫婆 對啊,你為什麼不先嚐一口呢親愛的,試試看吶,恩?快吶,咬...


皇后對魔鏡說 魔鏡,魔鏡,這個世界上,誰最漂亮?魔鏡說 白雪公主,最漂亮。說完後,皇后非常生氣。最後,她決定自己親自去殺了白雪公主。皇后來到她的密室,配製了一種藥水。皇后喝了後,漸漸的,漸漸的,變成了乙個老太婆。接著,她又配製了一種藥水,然後,把蘋果放進藥水裡泡製。成了後,把蘋果放在籃子裡,就去找白...


snow white and the seven dwarfs 旁白 a long time ago,there was a queen.she had a pretty daughter named snow white.soon after the child was born,the quee...