
2022-11-18 23:48:04 字數 4113 閱讀 9257

are you by yourself? 你乙個人來嗎

are you kidding me? 跟我開玩笑啊?

back in a moment! 馬上回來

boys will be boys! 本性難移!

come to the point! 有話直說

do i h**e to? 我一定要做嗎?

don't count on me! 別指望我

don't fall for it! 別上當!

don't get me wrong! 你搞錯了

don't give me that! 少來這套!

don't let me down! 別讓我失望

don't over do it! 別做過頭了!

drop me a line!要寫信給我

easy come easy go! 來得容易去也快!

get a move on! 快點吧

give me a break! 饒了我吧!

glad you like it! 很高興你喜歡

great minds think alike! 英雄所見略同!

he always talks big! 他老是吹牛

he's a double crosser! 他是個**!

i cross my heart! 我發誓是真的

i just made it! 我做到了!

i watch my money! 視財如命

i'll be right back! 我馬上回來!

i'll check it out! 我去查檢視

i』ll see to it! 我會留意的!

i'm down and out! 我窮困潦倒

i』m in a hurry! 我趕時間!

i』m not that bad! 我沒那麼差吧

i』m short on cash! 我缺錢!

i』ve got the blues! 我很鬱悶

if i were you...=if i were in your shoes如果我是你...

it kills my eyes! 太好看了

it』s greek to me! 我完全不懂!

it』s no big deal! 沒什麼大不了的

it』s worth a try! 值得一試!

just wait and see! 等著瞧

know what i mean? 明白我的意思吧?

let』s change the subject! 換個話題吧

my mouth is watering! 我要流口水了!

no pain no gain! 吃一塹長一智

none of your business! 沒你事!

thousand times no! 絕對辦不到

easy does it. 慢慢來。

don't push me. 別逼我

h**e a good of it.玩的很高興。

what is the fuss? 吵什麼

still up? 還沒睡呀?

it doesn't make any differences.沒關係。

don't let me down. 別讓我失望。

god works. 上帝的安排

don't take ill of me. 別生我氣。

does it serve your purpose? 對你有用嗎?

don't flatter me. 過獎了。

big mouth! 多嘴驢

sure thing! 當然!

i''m going to go. 我這就去

never mind. 不要緊。

can-do. 能人

close-up. 特寫鏡頭。

drop it! 停止

bottle it! 閉嘴!

don't play possum! 別裝蒜!

there』s nobody by that name working here.這裡沒有這個人。

break the rules. 反規則

how big of you! 你真棒!

poor thing! 真可憐

nuts! 呸;胡說;混蛋

make it up! 不記前嫌

watch you mouth. 注意言辭。

any urgent thing? 有急事嗎

don't over do it. 別太過分了。

can you dig it? 你搞明白了嗎

you want a bet? 你想打賭嗎?

what if i go for you? 我替你去怎麼樣?

who wants? 誰稀罕?

follow my nose. 憑直覺做某事

gild the lily. 畫蛇添足。

i'll be seeing you. 再見。

i wonder if you can give me a lift? 能讓我搭一程嗎?

i might hear a pin drop. 非常寂靜。

why are you so sure? 怎麼這樣肯定?

is that so? 是這樣嗎

don't get loaded. 別喝醉了。

don't get high hat. 別擺架子。

right over there. 就在那裡。

doggy bag. 打包袋

that rings a bell. 聽起來耳熟。

sleeping on both ears. 睡的香。

play hooky. 曠工、曠課。

i am the one wearing pants in the house. 我當家.

it's up in the air. 尚未確定

i am all ears. 我洗耳恭聽。

get cold feet. 害怕做某事

good for you! 好得很!

help me out. 幫幫我

let's bag it. 先把它擱一邊。

lose head. 喪失理智

talk truly. 有話直說。

he is the pain on neck. 他真讓人討厭。

you bet! 一定,當然!

that is a boy! 太好了,好極了!

it's up to you. 由你決定。

the line is engaged. 佔線。

my hands are full right now. 我現在很忙。

don't make up a story. 不要捏造事實。

absence makes the heart grow fonder. 小別勝新婚。

she make a mess of things. 她把事情搞得一塌糊塗。

get an eyeful. 看個夠

he has a quick eye. 他的眼睛很銳利。

shoot the breeze. 閒談

tell me when! 隨時奉陪!

let's play it by ear. 讓我們隨興所至。

why so blue? 怎麼垂頭喪氣?

what brought you here? 什麼風把你吹來了?

chin up. 不氣 ,振作些。

you never know. 世事難料

high jack! 舉起手來(搶劫)!

she'll be along in a few minutes. 他馬上會過來。

he is a fast talker. 他是個吹牛大王。

i'll get even with him one day. 我總有一天跟他扯平

she's got quite a wad. 她身懷鉅款。

i don't h**e anywhere to be. 沒地方可去。

i'm dying to see you. 我很想見你

nothing tricky. 別耍花招。

price is soaring, if it goes on like this, we shall not be able to keep the pot boiling. 物價直線上公升,這樣子下去,我們鍋裡可沒什麼東西煮飯。

英語口語 版 練嘴短句

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