
2022-11-13 15:27:06 字數 1348 閱讀 7222

on saturday morning, irritable the sun shine on the earth. the sky cloudless, streets are clean and tidy, wide green grass by the side of the road was so wet, just photo, beautiful, like in the picture. the streets everywhere beaming harmony better.

but we sometimes touches the line of sight of some discordant notes, like a dead leaf floating on the west, like a piece of white ***** on ink - small advertisement.

however, as long as everybody action, and the harmonious movement of discordant notes will disappear. you see, just then, a little volunteers came, small force was carrying a big barrel of water on the ground first, jack bauer shovel dip in water, hard small ads, gao shovel dip in the water, also hard to jump up, finally with enough. small ads are falling.

xiao gang is also very hard, all sweat on the head. little more effort, eyes stare, lips pursed, shovel and wheezing. so, did the afternoon, they finally let pole has become clean again.






2012年望江西路社群環保志願者 節能減排宣傳活動策劃方案 一 活動背景 中華人民共和國國民經濟和社會發展第十乙個五年規劃綱要 提出了 十一五 期間單位國內生產總值能耗降低 左右,主要汙染物排放總量減少 的約束性指標。我國經濟快速增長,但經濟發展與資源環境的矛盾日趨尖銳,群眾對環境汙染問題反應強烈。...


爭做環保志願者爭當環保小衛士活動總結 梁家墩小學五年級 為引導五年級學生學習生態環境保護知識,增強生態環境保護意識,培養生態環境保護習慣,提高生態環境保護能力,近日,五年級學生開展了 爭做環保志願者爭當環保小衛士 活動。本次活動以大力宣傳共建生態文明 共享綠色未來的環保理念為宗旨,以不斷增強青少年環...


爭做環保志願者爭當環保小衛士 主題隊會 梁家墩小學五年級 活動目標 1 通過活動,使學生了解一些環保知識,增強學生的環保意識,積極主動的參與到環保活動中去。2 通過活動,激發學生爭做 環保小衛士 的熱情,並用 環保小衛士 的標準要求自己。活動準備 1 教室布置 黑板上寫好主題。2 學生準備環保兒歌 ...