
2021-03-04 04:05:25 字數 4856 閱讀 1750


人力資源開發部human resources division

人事部personnel department

培訓部training department

督導部quality inspection department

計財部finance and accounting division

財務部accounting department

成本部cost-control department



市場營銷部sales & marketing division

銷售部sales department

公關部public relation department

預訂部reservation department

客務部room division

前廳部front office department

管家部housekeeping department

餐飲部food & beverage department

康樂部recreation and entertainmentdepartment

工程部engineering department

保安部security department

行政部rear-service department

商場部shopping arcade

預算部budget dept.

市場部marketing dept.

工程設計部construction & design dept.

樣品室 sample room

會議室meeting room

保衛室safe-guarder room/guard room

策劃部主管supervisor/director of planning department

傳達室reception room

食堂工作間 canteen workshop

值班室room on-duty

質量安全部 quality safety department

部門經理辦公室:section manager's office

質量和安全部quality & safety department

商務接待室:business anteroom

會客室——meeting room

發行部——publish dept.

技術部——technology dept.


專案部——project dept.

設計部——design dept.


保安室——guard room

儲藏室——store room

技術質量部 technical quality department,

市場執行部market movement department,

設計開發部design development department

vip貴賓室 --vip room

副總經理 ---office of the general assistant manager

助理室---the office of the assistant

經理室---the office of the manager

會議室---the conference room

檔案室 ---the file room

簽約室一---reception room one

簽約室二 ---reception room two

簽約室三--- reception room three

更衣室---dressing room



財務部---accounting department

策劃部---strategy department(division)

副總室 ---the office of vice president

營銷部---the sales department

工程部--- engineering department

總師室--the office the general engineer

經理室---office of the manager

物業管理 ---property management

**部 sales promotion dept.

總務部 gernal affairs dept.

策劃部,啟化部.drafting barracks

營業部 business offices

公共關係部public relations dept.

行政部administration department

經理室manager's office

銷售部marketing deparment

電腦室***puter center

業務部business department

經理室general manager's office

客服部consumer service department


主任室director's office

檔案室muniment room

工程部engineering department

策劃部scheme department

辦公室秘書office secretary

副經理室assistant manager room

銷售部sales department

培訓部training department

採購部purchases department

茶水間tea room

會議室conference rooms

接待區receptions areas


弱電箱weak battery cases

員工區 work areas

董事長 board chairman\chairman of the board

營銷總公司 sales general ***pany

綜合辦公室主任 director of administration office

對外銷售部經理 manager of foreign sales department\foreign sales manager

電子商務部經理 manager of electronic ***merce department\electronic ***merce manager

電子商務部副經理 deputy/vice manager of electronic ***merce department\electronic ***merce deputy/vice manager

市場策劃部副經理 deputy/vice manager of marketing department\marketing department-deputy manager

客戶服務部經理 manager of customer service department\customer service manager

辦事處主任 director of office

副總經理室 vice general manager

網路市場部 ***works marketing room

技術質檢部 technique and quality checking room

會議室 meeting room

多功能廳 multi-usage room

國際**部 international marketing department

國內銷售部 domestic sales department

洽談室 chatting room

貴賓洽談室 vip chating room

生產部 production department

**部 providing department

男女洗手間 woman/man's toilet

男浴室 man's washing room

女浴室 woman's washing room

總經辦 general administrative office

影印室 copying room

會議室 boardroom

機房 machine room

資訊部 info. dept.

人事部 hr dept.

財務結算室 settlement room

財務單證部 document dept.

董事、總裁 president office

董事、副總裁 director office vice-president office

總裁辦公室 president』s assistant office

總裁辦president』s assistant office

黨辦general ***mittee office

資產財務部 finanical dept.

貴賓室vip room

財務室financial room


會議室meeting room

營銷部marketing department


***prehensive office

財務部general accounting dept


general manager assistant

總經理general manager


篇一 獎勵通知 為了答謝各招生點為了暑期活動招生而不辭辛苦的學員們,我廠決定對各招生點負責招生的學員按照 市威思計算機服務中心獎勵辦法 第15條 對於公司有過極大貢獻的生員或者員工,可享受培訓費用減免優惠 貢獻極大者將直接晉級為新新員工,老員工可根據自身情況跳槽到任意部門 的規定,對於那些在招生點辛...


試卷提交時間 2014 04 07 20 23 17.55 試卷得分 62.0 窗體頂端 1 題型 判斷題分值 2 檔案材料轉化為檔案的發展過程是現行使用完畢。錯誤2 題型 判斷題分值 2 圖樣材料是指按照有關製圖標準或方法,用專門的線條 符號等繪製的圖形檔案材料。正確3 題型 判斷題分值 2 文字...


行政後勤管理制度 一 辦公用品購置 辦公用品 包括勞動用品 的購置由辦公室指定人員根據需要編制購置計畫,經分管局長審核,局長批准,分期分批實施。急需購置的物品,經分管局長同意,局長批准後實施。二 辦公用品發放 所有辦公用品購回後,一律入庫 專人保管。領取辦公用品時,填寫領取單,經辦公室負責人簽字後,...