
2023-02-06 09:42:04 字數 5195 閱讀 2565


i. 單詞和短語 (words and phrases) (共10小題,計10分)



a. sweep the floor b. water the flowers c. look after a baby

d. play chinese chess e. listen to music

ii. 句子(sentences) (共10小題,計10分)


11. there are threetomato) on the plate.

12. she candrive) a car.

13. pleasenot open) the door.

14. therebe) some milk in the glass.

15. he isdance) now.


16is the first day of a week in america.

a. monday b. sunday c. saturday d. tuesday

17. my birthday is _______ 13th of august.

a. in b. on c. at d. of

18. these are _______ desks.

a. ray or lucy's b. ray's and lucy

c. ray's and lucy's d. ray and lucy

19. she often goes to _______ at nine, but now she is

a. sleeps, sleeping b. sleep, sleeping

c. sleep, sleep d. sleeping, sleeping

20.—how does your mother go to work?

a. by the bike b. on feet c. on foot d. take bus

iii. 情景會話(dialogues) (共10小題,計10分)


21. 當你有事需要打斷別人的交談時,常說的一句話是什麼?

22. 當你的好朋友考試沒考好時,你應該怎樣鼓勵他(她)?

23. a. yes, a blue one.

b. yes, a red one.

c. a blue one.

d. no, a red one.

24.a. what can you do?

b. what are you doing?

c. what does she do?

d. what do you do?

25.a. that's all right.

b. sorry, i don't know.

c. i think so.

d. not at all.


a. it's easy, 「carry[`kri]」. anything else?

b. it's mike.

c. i'm mike.

d. yes, i don't know how to read the word "carry".

e. i'm learning english.

f. let's go out and play football.

iv. 閱讀理解 (reading comprehension) (共10小題,計10分)

(a) 看圖,根據圖意判斷下列句子正(t)誤(f).(答案塗在答題紙上)

31. the people are in a panador café.

32. the woman is eating bread.

33. there are two bottles on the table.

34. there is a dog under the table.

35. the waiter is holding a cup.

(b) 根據短文內容,回答下列問題.(答案寫在答題紙上)

it is julie's birthday. uncle says he will take julie and her cousins to see a film. they drive a car to the cinema.

the children are very excited.

when they go to the cinema, they see a long queue(長列) at the ticket booth(售票廳). uncle joins the queue to get the tickets for the film. he tells julie and her cousins to go and buy some things to eat.

they go to a stall(貨攤) nearby. julie buys a packet of popcorn(爆公尺花). her cousins buy a bar of chocolate and some peanuts(堅果).

soon, uncle has the tickets and they go into the cinema. they find their seats and sit down. after a while, the lights go down and the film begins.

36. whom does uncle take to the cinema?

37. how do they all get to the cinema?

38. how do you know that many people want to watch the film?

39. do the children buy some things to eat before or after the film?

40. what does julie buy?

v. 智力測試(intelligence test) (共5小題,計10分)


41. what does 「sars」 stand for(代表) in chinese?

42. lily is mr. black's girl friday.

she gives him a lot of help. what's the meaning of 「girl friday」?

a.女僕人 b.得力的女助手 c.女兒 d.女上司

43. circle(圈出) at least (至少) five months of the year in this word box.

44. which is the national flag(國旗) of new zealand(紐西蘭)?

45. look at these two pictures carefully(仔細地). there are seven differences between them.

 please circle at least(至少) five differences.

vi. 小作文(composition) (計10分)

以"my bedroom"為題,寫一篇短文.(所給**供參考)

要求:1. 條理清楚,意思連貫,語句通順,標點正確,書寫清晰、規範;

2. 不得少於60個單詞;

3. 將作文寫在答題紙上.



i. 單詞和短語(共10小題,每小題1分,計10分)

a)1. watermelon 2. carrot 3. building 4. computer 5. drum

b)6. d 7. b 8. a 9. c 10. e

ii. 句子(共10小題,每小題1分,計10分)

a)11. tomatoes 12. drive 13. don't open 14. is 15. dancing

b)16. b 17. b 18. c 19. b 20. c

iii. 情景會話 (共10小題,每小題1分,計10分)

a)21. excuse me!

22. don't lose heart.或come on!(答案不唯一)

23. c 24. a 25. b

b)26. b 27. e 28. f 29. d 30. a

iv. 閱讀理解 (共10小題,每小題1分,計10分)

a)31. t 32. f 33. f 34. t 35. f

b)36. uncle takes julie and her cousins to the cinema.

37. they get to the cinema by car.

38. there is a long queue of people at the ticket booth.

39. the children buy some things to eat before the film.

40. julie buys a packet of popcorn.

v. 智力測試(共5小題,每小題2分,計10分)

41. 非典型性肺炎

42. b

43.44. b

45.vi. 小作文(計10分)


my bedroom

look at this room. it's my bedroom. there is a map of china and a photo of me on the wall.

my bed is not very big but it is very nice. there is a lovely toy puppy on it. every night i

sleep with it. beside the bed, there is a desk. an alarm clock, a table lamp and some books

are on it.

i like my bedroom very much. how about your bedroom?(75 wrods)


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