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[摘要] 目的評價顱腦mri檢查在非酒精中毒性韋尼克腦病診斷中的價值。方法對4例非酒精中毒性韋尼克腦病患者的臨床特徵、顱腦mri影像及**轉歸等資料進行統計、對比、分析。結果本組顱腦mri顯示,兩側丘腦內側、第三腦室周圍、導水管周圍、前聯合、視交叉、延髓背側可見多發對稱性長t1長t2訊號影,t2flair呈高訊號影,兩側側腦室旁t2flair可見多發小片狀高訊號影,腦室系統未見異常,中線結果居中。


[關鍵詞] 韋尼克腦病;磁共振成像;診斷價值

[中圖分類號] r445.2;r747.9 [文獻標識碼] b [文章編號] 1673-9701(2011)36-93-02

diagnostic value of mri for non-alcoholic wernicke's encephalopathy

lv zhuo1 bai yuxue2

of imaging,siping city central people's hospital in jilin province,siping 136000,china; of ct,jilin oilfield general hospital,songyuan 131106,china

[abstract] objective to evaluate the diagnostic value of cranial mri for non-alcoholic wernicke's encephalopathy. methods clinical features,cranial mri images and treatment outcome and other data of four cases of non-alcoholic wernicke's encephalopathy patients were compared and statistically analyzed. results the cranial mri showed that both sides of the medial hypothalamus,three ventricle around inside the thalamus,periaqueduct,the former joint, optic chiasm, dorsal medulla had multiple symmetric long t1,t2 signal intensity,t2flair showed high signal intensity,and both sides lateral side t2flair seen multiple small pieces of high signal intensity,ventricular system was normal,and the results of the center line was central.

follow-up showed four cases of patients of rehabilitation with clinical improvement,their cranial mri signal abnormalities gradually disappeared. conclusion cranial mri examination for non-alcoholic wernicke's encephalopathy has important diagnostic value,and the range of the abnormal signal display reflects the severity of the disease.


急性酒精中毒急救知識培訓考核 姓名得分 1 通常引起中毒症狀的酒精飲用量約為 而致死量則為 左右。a 75 80g 500 1000g b 100 150g 250 500g c 75 80g 250 500g d 50 100g 250 500g e 10150g 300 600g 2 當血液中酒...


介紹 酒精中毒俗稱醉酒,酒精 乙醇 一次飲用大量的酒類飲料會對中樞神經系統產生先興奮後抑制作用,重度中毒可使呼吸 心跳抑制而死亡。酒精中毒是由遺傳 身體狀況 心理 環境和社會等諸多因素造成的,但就個體而言差異較大,遺傳被認為是起關鍵作用的因素。症狀 噁心 嘔吐 頭暈 譫語 躁動。嚴重者昏迷 大小便失...


導語中華醫學會急診醫學分會中毒學組專家查閱大量文獻,結合經驗,反覆討論,達成本共識,以期能指導臨床診治。急性酒精中毒的診斷 1 具備以下兩點可以臨床診斷急性酒精中毒 i 明確的過量酒精或含酒精飲料攝人史。ii 呼出氣體或嘔吐物有酒精氣味並有以下之一者 表現易激惹 多語或沉默 語無倫次,情緒不穩,行為...