
2023-01-23 17:09:03 字數 2387 閱讀 3295


unit 3 our hobbies

topic 1 what』s your hobby?

section b


ⅰ.material analysis

本節課主要通過michael, maria和kangkang之間的對話,繼續學習表示興趣愛好的話題。section b是對section a的延伸,談論的內容也從談論現在的興趣愛好擴充套件到了對過去興趣愛好的談論,即used to do sth 和它的否定形式used not to do sth/didn』t use to do sth。本小節第3部分主要談論過去和現在愛好的對比。


ⅱ. teaching aims

knowledge aims:

1. 能根據音標,正確朗讀出下列單詞及簡單短語: collection, doll, coin, pop, used to do sth。

2. 能正確拼讀並運用單詞表中的單詞,如: coin, hate, pop等。

3. 能用used to do sth/used not to do sth/didn』t use to do sth表示過去的興趣愛好。

4. 能運用本課所學語言,對過去和現在的興趣愛好進行對比。

skill aims:

1. 能聽懂有關過去的興趣愛好和現在的興趣愛好進行對比的簡單對話和陳述。

2. 能正確地口頭表達有關喜歡和不喜歡及它們的過去式的話題。

3. 能正確朗讀課本的文字材料,準確把握語音、語調及連讀。

4. 能正確地運用書面表達寫出自己和他人現在及過去的興趣愛好。

emotional aims:

1. 通過對section b的學習,要求學生明白在不同的興趣愛好中,可以增加不同領域的知識。

2. 進一步引導學生培養廣泛的興趣愛好。

ⅲ. the key points and difficult points

key points:

used to do sth的用法及其否定形式 used not to do sth/ didn』t use to do sth的運用。

difficult points:

used to肯定和否定形式的運用及轉換。didn』t use to do sth容易寫成didn』t used to do sth。

ⅳ. learning strategies:

1. 能夠做到課前預習生詞和採訪同學們的愛好可以幫助我們更好地學習。

2. 養成主動地與他人積極交流的習慣,以加深和他人的友誼。

ⅴ. teaching aids

computer ********** projector.

ⅵ. teaching procedures

1. warm up


the teacher and students greet with each other.

(2). review

review how to express hobbies, focusing on like, love, enjoy,be found of and be interested in.

2. pre-listening

(1). learning new words by showing ss pictures(collection, doll, coin,pop).

(2). learning the use of used to do sth.

3. while-listening

(1). listen to 1a and find out the children`s hobbies.

(2). listen to 1a and circle true or false in 1b.

(3). ss read 1a twice by themselves.

(4). read 1a and fill in the blanks in 1c.

(5). read the words and phrases together, then listen to the conversation.

(1). make a survey about their classmates and finish the table.

(2). ss report.

5. summary

(1). review the use of used to do sth.

(2). assigning home work( to survey their families` hobbies and give a report ).

ⅶ. blackboard design


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