
2023-01-15 00:15:05 字數 5168 閱讀 3360


create database mlgb


use mlgb

gocreate table s (

sno char (10) not null,

sname varchar (15) not null,

s*** char (2),

sage int ,

sdept varchar (20)

constraint stuno primary key(sno),

constraint stu*** check (s*** in ('男','女')))go


create table c(

cno char (10) not null,

cname varchar (20) not null,

tname varchar (10) not null,

csemi int)go


create table sc(

sno char (10) not null,

cno char (10) not null,

grade int


insert into s values ('200213808','李楓',


insert into s values ('200225645','張強',


insert into s values ('200275613','李平',


insert into s values ('200213108','王依萍',


insert into s values ('200224119','胡東',


insert into s values ('200213828','李小玲',



insert into c values ('720','資料結構',

'朱虹', 5);

insert into c values ('730','離散數學',


insert into c values ('825','高等數學','朱虹',2);

insert into c values ('621','英語','李蘭',1);

insert into c values ('623','英語寫作','李蘭',2);


insert into sc values('200213808','720',85);

insert into sc values('200225645','730',68);

insert into sc values('200213808','730',70);

insert into sc values('200275613','621',90);

insert into sc values('200213828','621',78);

insert into sc values('200225645','825',86);

insert into sc values('200213808','825',69);

insert into sc values('200275613','730',84);

insert into sc values('200213828','730',89);


alter table s

add splace char (20) null

drop table s


create unique index studno on s (sno)

create unique index cno on c (cno asc)


drop index courseno on c

drop index studno on s


create view student1

as select sno,sname,sage

from s

where sdept='網路工程'


create view stugrade (sno,sname,cno,grade)

as select

from s,c,sc

where and and '網路工程'


create view stucj (sno, sgrade, agrade)

as select sno,sum(grade),**g(grade)

from sc

group by sno


select sno,sname

from s

where sdept='軟體工程'and s***='女'

select sname,sage,sdept

from s


select as newgrade

from s,sc

where sdept='軟體工程'



from sc

where sno='200213808'


from s

where sdept='軟體工程'


select sno,sname

from s

where sno not in(select distinct

from sc


select cno,cname

from c

where tname like '趙%'


select *

from s

where sname like '李%'



from sc,c,s

where and cname='離散數學'and


select *

from s

where sage between 20 and (select sage

from s

where sname='李平')


select *

from s

where sage between 15 and 30



from s,sc,c

where and and tname='趙強'


select *

into newtable

from s


select* from newtable


select count(

from sc

group by


select **g(grade) as 平均成績

from sc,c

where tname='朱虹'and



select cno,count(sno) as 選課人數

from sc

group by cno h**ing count(*)>=3

order by 選課人數 asc



from s,sc,c

where and cname='高等數學'and and grade >(select **g(grade )

from sc,c where and cname='高等數學')



from s,sc,c

where and grade <80 and


select grade,grade+5 as newgrade

from sc,c




create table made (

sno char (15) not null,

sname char (20) not null,

cname char (20),

grade int)


into made

from s,sc,c

where and grade>80 and


select * from made


select ,sname ,

from s

left outer join sc

on left outer join c

on --實驗


create unique index sno on s (sno);

create unique index cno on c (cno);


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資料庫實驗報告 實驗四實驗題目 資料控制 指導老師 李萍 專業班級 電腦科學與技術系1001班 姓名 劉萌 2010100155 2012年 11月10日 實驗型別 驗證實驗室 軟體實驗室一 一 實驗題目 資料控制 安全性和完整性 二 實驗目的和要求 理解sql server的使用者與許可權管理機制...