
2022-12-19 00:18:02 字數 2198 閱讀 7354

01. 15% off with this flyer憑此宣傳品優惠15%02. 50% off on selected lines部分商品半價

03. accessories & spares delivered to your door配件送貨上門04. all the range of … **ailable.


05. as many repairs as you need, free of charge隨時免費維修06. ask at the counter for details詳情問櫃檯07.

ask inside for details詳情裡面詢問

08. best choice and best discounts最佳選擇,最大優惠09. big sale大甩賣

10. brighter shopping, brighter prices明智的購物,透明的**

11. buy any two together and s**e 10% off both products一次性買倆,每個優惠10%12. buy one and get anyone free買一贈一13.

buy two get one free買二贈一14. children's wear童裝15. closing sale關門大甩賣16.

computers in stock電腦有貨

17. customer care is our top priority顧客至上18. customer services顧客服務處

19. easy to use and great value too.好用實惠,物美價廉

20. fill in your selection here and take to a pay point.在此選購商品填單,然後到收款臺付款。

21. final clear out清倉大甩賣

22. for more information,contact our customer service desk詳情請和顧客服務處聯絡。23.

free delivery to your door免費送貨上門24. furniture sale now on家具現降價銷售25. half price sale半價甩賣26.

hours of opening營業時間

27. massive stock, clear out大量庫存,清倉甩賣28. offer is subject to **ailability.

現貨優惠,賣完為止29. open for business as usual照常營業30. opening soon即將開業31.

opening times (hours)營業時間:

32. we can provide the complete hospitality service.我們提供熱情周到的服務。

33. out of hours, delivery at …下班時,送貨到……34. peace of mind from the minute you buy買著放心35.

please ask for assistance需幫助請詢問

36. please check your change before le**ing the checkout area請當面點清。37.

please retain this receipt as proof of your purchase and your guarantee.請儲存好收據,作為交款憑證,並享受保修。

38. please le**e bags at the counter.請把包放到櫃檯39. price crash削價

40. sale 50% off original price按原價的50%銷售41. sale at breakdown price跳樓價甩賣42.

sale continues in store商品繼續削價43. s**e up to 50% off 50%大降價

44. s**e up to 40% 6折優惠45. s**e your money賤賣

46. s**ings and discounts all around the store店內所有商品均削價處理47. 50% discount on selected items部分商品五折48.

thank you for your custom.感謝您惠顧49. try before you buy先試後買

50. we will not be beaten on price.我們的**最低。


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