
2022-12-11 01:00:02 字數 1686 閱讀 7965


常用詞有代詞或副詞:all、both、every、everybody、every day、everyone、many、everything、entirely、altogether、absolutely、wholly、completely、weathered、always、often等和not搭配時,表示部分否定,意為「並非都是,不是每個都是」。

both of them are not my brothers.

all is not gold that glitters=not all is gold that glitters.

every man cannot do it=not every man can do it

i don't remember all these formulas.

this kind of tree is not found everywhere.

the rich are not always happy.

every couple is not a pair.



everybody cannot enjoy pop music.(not everyone)


the cloth does not feel very soft.=the cloth feels not very soft.

i don't agree with all of you. (some of you)

i don't like both of the books. (i like not both of them.)


he has not come to the decision quickly. (not quickly)

i did not do it for myself. (i did it not for myself.)

the students did not sit there listening to the teacher.

d.在not…and 結構中,否定的往往是and 後的部分,但否定詞not往往否定謂語。

the house is not big and comfortable.

the house is not big、but comfortable.

the house is not big or comfortable.

he doesn't speak russian and french.

don't drink and drive.

we can't put on airs and make people like us.


don't know anything about her.(一無所知)

i don't know everything about her.(並不全知道)

of the answers are right.(都不正確)

all the answers are not right. (並非都正確)

don't know any of them.(全不認識)

i don't know all of them.(並非都認識)




讚美辛苦工作的句子 1 收穫是怎樣的?收穫是美好的,是辛勤的,是愉快的,是自尊心的維護。但,成功是要付出代價的。每乙個人都希望自己成功,自己能收穫,但在這條路上要灑許多辛勤的汗水。2 把健康當工作,勤奮去做。把幸福當生活,認真去過。把快樂當夢想,堅持執著。把平安當祝福,隨時帶著。美好盡在掌握,願大家...


編號 廣東省勞動合同 廣東省勞動和社會保障廳編制 勞動保障 12333 使用說明 一 雙方在簽訂本合同前,應認真閱讀本合同。本合同一經簽訂,即具有法律效力,雙方必須嚴格履行。二 本合同必須由用人單位 甲方 的法定代表人 或者委託 人 和職工 乙方 簽字或蓋章,並加蓋用人單位公章 或者勞動合同專用章 ...