
2022-12-01 10:45:01 字數 1709 閱讀 2458

when my mother died i was very young, 我母親死的時候,我還小得很,

and my father sold me while yet my tongue 我父親把我拿出來賣給了別人,

could scarcely cry 'weep! 'weep! 'weep! 'weep! 我當時還不大喊得清,「掃呀——掃!」

so your chimneys i sweep, and in soot i sleep. 我就掃你們煙囪,裹煤屑睡覺。

there's little tom dacre, who cried when his head, 有個小托姆,頭髮卷得像小羊頭,

that curled like a lamb's back, was sh**ed: so i said, 剃光的時候,哭得好傷心,好難受,

"hush, tom! never mind it, for when your head's bare, 我就說:「小托姆,不要緊,光了腦袋,

you know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair." 打起來煤屑就不會糟踏你白頭髮。」

and so he was quiet; and that very night, 他就安安靜靜了,當天夜裡,

as tom was a-sleeping, he had such a sight, - 托姆睡著了,事情就來得稀奇,

that thousands of sweepers, dick, joe, ned, and jack, 他看見千千萬萬的掃煙囪小孩

were all of them locked up in coffins of black. 阿貓阿狗全都給鎖進了黑棺材。

and by came an angel who had a bright key, 後來來了個天使,拿了把密鑰匙,

and he opened the coffins and set them all free; 開棺材放出了孩子們(真是好天使!)

then down a green plain leaping, laughing, they run, 他們就邊跳,邊笑,邊跑過草坪,

and wash in a river, and shine in the sun. 到河裡洗了澡,太陽裡曬得亮晶晶。

then naked and white, all their bags left behind, 光光的,白白的,把袋子都拋個一,

they rise upon clouds and sport in the wind; 他們就公升上了雲端,在風裡遊戲;

and the angel told tom, if he'd be a good boy, 「只要你做個好孩子,」天使對托姆說,

he'd h**e god for his father, and never want joy. 「上帝會做你的父親,你永遠快樂。」

and so tom awoke; and we rose in the dark, 托姆就醒了;屋子裡黑咕隆咚,

and got with our bags and our brushes to work. 我們就起來拿袋子、掃帚去做工。

though the morning was cold, tom was happy and warm; 大清早儘管冷,托姆的心裡可溫暖;

so if all do their duty they need not fear harm. 這叫做:各盡本分,就不怕災難。


記得去年,我和爸爸 媽媽去當塗,在渡江口,我看見乙個不大的小男孩,他個頭不高,一雙黑寶石眼睛,鼻子平平的,一張小嘴裡裝著一排整齊的 白珍珠 似的牙齒,一笑起來,再加上小酒窩,特漂亮。看樣子,大概 五 六歲吧。當船抵達對岸時,我和爸爸 媽媽便向車子跑過去,一跑到車上,便找了個位子坐了下來。當時,我是那...


鄭玲霞他,姓夏,名佳偉。矮小的他,在我心裡,佔據的位置很小很小。甚至,我還覺得他可能是個不聽話的孩子。因為,在一次課堂上曾被我繳過遊戲機,我已經記不清晰了。可是,今天,這個特別的日子,讓我永遠記住了他。學校裡突然說要弄什麼田徑運動會,定在本週三,也就是今天。周一,我從眾多的學生裡,通過一次 兩次的跑...


賣柿子的小男孩初一6班張馨怡 今天正好是星期天,我起的很早,我想買點菜讓媽媽高興高興。於是,我偷偷地出了家門。我來到菜市,吸著沁人心脾的清新空氣,走在人群中。賣柿子嘍,有紅又大的柿子嘍。人群中傳來一陣陣清脆的悅耳的叫賣聲。哈,對了,家裡不是很喜歡吃木須柿子嗎,我買回去讓媽媽表揚。於是我循聲望去,只見...