
2022-11-24 17:12:05 字數 7108 閱讀 1006



1. hi 嗨

2. hey 嘿

3. yo 喂

4. wow 哇

5. icq 我找你. i seek you.

6. tns 好久不見. long time no see.

7. vg 很好 very good.

8. yep 是 《俚》 yes.

9. yup 是 《俚》 yes.

10. yeah 是 = yes.

11. ryok 你好吧? are you ok?

12. yr 對,是的. yeah,right.


13. bbiam 我很快回來 be back in a minuta.

14. hang on 等一下.

15. bll 過一會兒回來. be back late.

16. brb 很快回來. be right back.

17. rsn 馬上 real soon now.

19. afk 暫時離開(鍵盤) away from keyboard.

20. bak 回(鍵盤前)來了. back at keyboard.

21. bbiab 馬上回來. be back in a bit.


22. tafn 到此為止. that's all for now.

23. gtgb 得走了.再見. got to go,bye.

24. sri 對不起. sorry.

25. gotta go 我得走了. gotta go=h**e to go=i h**e to go.

告別26. bye 再見.

27. cu 再見. see you.

28. cu2 再見. see you too.

29. cul 下次再會. see you later.

30. cua 再會. see you again.

31. hth 睡覺去了. hit the hay (hay 《俚》 床)

33. see ya. 再見. see ya = see you (ya 表示 you 或 young adult)

34. amf 再會,我的朋友. adios my friend.

35. bbiaf 以後見. be back in a few.

36. o&o 結束了,走了. over and out. (或: ono)

37. ttul 以後再聊. talk to you later.

39. kit 保持聯絡. keep in touch

40. bbye 再見. byebye.

45. bfn 再見. bye for now.

46. later 晚一點見.


48. thx 謝謝. thanks.

49. ths 多謝你與我共享. thanks for sharing.

50. tia 先謝了. thanks in advance.

51. ty 謝謝. thank you.

52. tyvm 非常感謝. thank you very much.

打錯字時糾正: (僅需在...後輸入正確的內容即可

57. oops... 哎呀...

58. i mean... 我的意思是...

59. that should be... 那是...


60. congrats 恭喜你. congratulations

61. llap 長壽發財 live long and prosper.

62. k 好的 ok.

63. cool=kool=kewl 酷. that's good.

64. ??? 怎麼了?,不懂.

65. huh? 什麼?

66. wassup? 怎麼了? what's up?

67. wassat? 那是什麼? what's that?

68. what's going on? 怎麼回事?

69. morf=rumof 男或女? are you male or female?

70. u? 你呢? and you?

71. motos 異性成員 member of the opposite ***.

72. motss 同性成員 member of the same ***.

73. gf 女友. girlfiend.

74. bf 男友. boyfiend.

75. ily 我愛你. i love you.

76. ftbomh 發自內心的. from the bottom of my heart.

77. wymm 願與我結為伴侶嗎? will yu marry me?

78. iae 無論如何 in any event.

79. iac 總之 in any case.

80. ez 容易 easy

81. sbi 就這樣吧. so be it.

82. bis 就那樣吧. be it so.

83. huh? (哼!,哈!)什麼?

84. what do you mean? 你什麼意思?

85. what are you talking about? 你在說什麼?

86. nfw 別做夢,決不. no ****ing way.

87. fy 去你的. **** you.

88. no way 不可能. =that's impossible.

89. nawt 不. not.

90. fropped 別胡鬧 ****ing dropped.

91. fu 搞糟了 ****ed up.

92. ain't 不是, are not.

93. oops 笑(驚訝,狼狽)

94. heh 嘿(表示笑)

95. laff (表示)笑 laugh

96. laffin (表示)笑 laughing

97. eg 齜牙裂嘴的笑 evil grin.

98. naah 沒有;不是的

99. nope 沒有;不是的

100. j/k 只是開玩笑. just kidding

101. fya 讓你開心 for your amusement.

102. yhbt 你上當了. you h**e been trolled.

103. tic 虛情假意. tongue in check.

104. dltm 不要向我說謊. don't lie to me.

105. asap 盡快回覆. as soon as possible.

106. nrn 不必回覆. no reply necessary.

107. for that it's worth. 就算是吧.

108. iwbni 果真如此就好了 it would be nice if.

109. e-me 給我發電子郵件 email me.

110. ic 我明白了. i see.

111. oic 我知道了. oh,i see.

112. idk 我不知道. i don't know.

113. btw 順便提一下. by the way.

114. bout 關於 about

115. u 你. you.

116. ur 你的/你是 your/you're

117. howdja 你怎麼... how did you.

118. btsoom 讓我大吃一驚. beats the **** out of me.

119. didja 你做了...嗎? did you.

120. how to...? 我該怎麼...? how do i...?

121. cuz 因為 because.

122. gotta 不得不做 go to

123. hafta 不得不做 h**e to

124. prob 大概 probably

125. prolly 大概 probably

126. sort of 有點(有幾分) sort of = kind of 表示不是很肯定.

127. coulda 早可以 could h**e

128. woulda 早該 would h**e

129. faq 常見問題 frequently ask quition.

130. wrt 關於 with respect to.

131. yaba 又是乙個該死的字母縮寫 yet another blood acronym.

132. ft 暈 faint.

133. wag 瞎猜. wild ass guess.

134. dunno 不知道 don't know.

135. stitd 還是不明白 still in the dark.

136. gok 只有天知道. god only know.

137. ppl 人們 people.

138. omg啊,糟了 oh,my gosh.

139. nfg很不好 no ****ing good.

140. what is this?------這是什麼意思?

141. nbfd沒什麼也不起的 no big ****ing deal.

142. fyifor your information

143. newbie新手.

144. all gone都完了.(gone=missing 只作表語)

145. just我只是

146. blew it搞砸了.

147. fraid not恐怕沒有=afraid not=i'm afraid not.

148. fud恐怕,不確定和懷疑 fear, uncertainty and doult.

149. hhok只不過開個玩笑 haha only kidding.

150. go to hell!--------去死吧!


1. i see. 我明白了。

2. i quit! 我不幹了!

3. let go! 放手!

4. me too. 我也是。

5. my god! 天哪!

6. no way! 不行!

7. come on. 來吧(趕快)

8. hold on. 等一等。

9. i agree。 我同意。

10. not bad. 還不錯。

11. not yet. 還沒。

12. see you. 再見。

13. shut up! 閉嘴!

14. so long. 再見。

15. why not? 好呀! (為什麼不呢?)

16. allow me. 讓我來。

17. be quiet! 安靜點!

18. cheer up! 振作起來!

19. good job! 做得好!

20. h**e fun! 玩得開心!

21. how much? 多少錢?

22. i'm full. 我飽了。

23. i'm home. 我回來了。

24. i'm lost. 我迷路了。

25. my treat. 我請客。

26. so do i. 我也一樣。

27. this way。 這邊請。

28. after you. 您先。

29. bless you! 祝福你!

30. follow me. 跟我來。

31. forget it! 休想! (算了!)

32. good luck! 祝好運!

33. i decline! 我拒絕!

34. i promise. 我保證。

35. of course! 當然了!

36. slow down! 慢點!

37. take care! 保重!

38. they hurt. (傷口)疼。

39. try again. 再試試。

40. watch out! 當心。

41. what's up? 有什麼事嗎?

42. be careful! 注意!

43. bottoms up! 乾杯(見底)!

44. don't move! 不許動!

45. guess what? 猜猜看?

46. i doubt it 我懷疑。

47. i think so. 我也這麼想。

48. i'm single. 我是單身貴族。

49. keep it up! 堅持下去!

50. let me see.讓我想想。

51. never mind.不要緊。

52. no problem! 沒問題!

53. that's all! 就這樣!

54. time is up. 時間快到了。

55. what's new? 有什麼新鮮事嗎?

56. count me on 算上我。

57. don't worry. 別擔心。

58. feel better? 好點了嗎?

59. i love you! 我愛你!

60. i'm his fan。 我是他的影迷。

61. is it yours? 這是你的嗎?

62. that's neat. 這很好。

63. are you sure? 你肯定嗎?

64. do l h**e to 非做不可嗎?

65. he is my age. 他和我同歲。

66. here you are. 給你。

67. no one knows . 沒有人知道。

68. take it easy. 別緊張。

69. what a pity! 太遺憾了!

70. any thing else? 還要別的嗎?

71. to be careful! 一定要小心!

72. do me a f**or? 幫個忙,好嗎?

73. help yourself. 別客氣。

74. i'm on a diet. 我在節食。

75. keep in touch. 保持聯絡。

76. time is money. 時間就是金錢。

77. who's calling? 是哪一位?


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