
2022-11-17 09:15:05 字數 3760 閱讀 1964

the so-called eight immortals refers to the eightimmortal,theyare:torrent,hanchung,lantsai,chang,old,xiangu,hanxiang, birthday celebration back from the cloudsover the east china sea through, i saw choppy sea,bailangtaotian, immortals decided to go to the sea and "everyonethrewtheirtreasureson the sea, it is crossed by the sea, comparison andwho is more supernatural powers, how?"

tieguailifirstwelcomedtherecommendation,high-spiritedmoodhesaid:"wellyoulookatme!!"putthecrutchestowardthesea,crutcheslikeaboatfloating in the water, a torrent somersault, turnedupright on crutches.

han chung then put his palm-leaf fan thrown intothe sea, standing on the top jump.

subsequently, several other fairy also recount,chang, old riding a donkey down, marching lu tung-pin

maleandfemalesword,xiaohanxiangzisitting,ridingxiangu flowers, blue and standing on the green light,obviously drunk stepping jade, are floating up in thesea.

eight immortals secure in the surging w**es alongthe drift, which clouds feel different, do not h**e anewstimulusandatmosphere,wereallyplayedwithpleasure.

in this case, obviously drunk suddenly points tothe right hand, and shouted:"we see ah! there seat mirage!

",themountainstherearetrees,there are buildings, while on the up in the air, theclouds slowly into the horizon, a flash, a cloud thathas been scattered by the wind a.<

hanxiangsaid:"wedonotreallytreatshallowseadragon mirage gas is booed out of gas, a rare centuryah!!"

suddenly, the blue and disappeared from them. wewait and see far and near, while calling to find, but

i could not see blue and traces of old chang guess, hesaid:

"east china sea dragon king might be trouble, hedid not welcome us his prowess at sea, the blue andcaughtunderwatertogo,wegotogethertotheunderwater dignitaries go!"

wecametothedragonpalace, eight immortals. eight immortals had to use magictocarryaweapon,resistingmanysmall,afterafiercebattle,twoweretheeightimmortalsdragonprincekilled.

adragon,histwosonswerekilledtheeightimmortals,reallyextremegrief,pleasesouthchinasea,west sea, north sea dragon king to help. dragon kingtonofbricks, be immortal tarzan moved over to fling the eastchinasea, two sides played incredibly hard, sun and themoon light, the lao, and **alokiteshvara buddha also

alarmed, they all came to mediation. the results ofmediationis,bytheblueandtheeastchinaseadragonking sent two jade, as compensation for killing twoprince tarzan moved back by kannon responsible of a dispute, the eight immortals jadeemperor was downgraded first-class. since then, theeight immortals no longer afraid to stir up trouble tothe outside.
















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