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lesson 9 a cold welcome

1. welcome: n. /v. 歡迎

g**e the stranger an unfriendly welcome 對那位陌生人的接待很不友好

give visitors a warm welcome 給來訪者以熱烈的歡迎

receive a cold welcome 受到冷冰冰的接待

welcome a foreign friend 歡迎外國朋友

we welcome your kind help. 我們歡迎你的熱心幫助。

adj. (1) 受歡迎的; 可喜的 (2) [用作表語]可隨便享用的; 可任意使用的 (3) 不必感謝的, 不必客氣的

a welcome visitor 一位受歡迎的賓客

welcome news 可喜的訊息

you are welcome to any book in my library. 我書房裡所有的書你儘管用。

you are welcome. (對方表示感謝時, 常用的答語)不用客氣, 不用謝。

w-to china! 歡迎你到中國來!

you are welcome to join us. 我們非常樂意邀請你加入我們。

you are always welcome to our house. 歡迎你隨時到我們家。

2. crowd: n. (1) 人群, 一群人; 觀眾

draw a large crowd 吸引大批觀眾

a crowd gathered at the scene of the fire. 許多人聚集在火災現場。

(2) [the crowd]一般群眾, 大眾; 一夥人

you can do what you want to do, but never follow the crowd. 你想做什麼就做什麼, 可別隨大流。

he writes all his books for the crowd rather than for specialists. 他的全部作品都是為一般大眾所寫, 而不是為了專家們。

(3) (cn.)大量, 許多, 大批, 密集

a crowd of lookers –on 一群圍觀的人

the desk is covered with a crowd of books and *****s. 堆滿了一大堆書和檔案的桌子。

i saw a crowd of magazines and *****s on her desk. 我看見她桌上放著一堆雜誌和報紙。

vi. 湧向(某處), 聚集, 擁擠; 被擠滿

the children crowded around the tv. 孩子們聚集在電視機周圍。

they crowded into my room. 他們擠進了我的房間。

people crowded into the cinema. 人們擠進電影院。

vt. 推擠,擠,塞

police crowded the spectators back to the viewing stand. 警察強行把觀眾推回觀眾席。

crowded the clothes into the closet 把衣服塞進衣櫃中

books crowded the shelves. 書架上堆滿了書。

swimmers crowded the beaches. 游泳者擠滿了海灘。

passengers crowded the platform. 站台擠滿了乘客。

he crowded more books onto the shelf. 他向書架上又塞了一些書。

the room was crowded with guests. 房間裡擠滿了客人。

區別用法:crowd指「無秩序地聚集在一起的一大群人」, 如:

a crowd of people were waiting in front of the gate. 一大群人在門前等著。

throng指「蜂擁行進的人群」, 它不及crowd 口語化, 如:

throngs of celebrators at times square 在時代廣場舉行慶祝活動的人群。

swarm 指「一大群雜亂無章移動的人」, 如:

a swarm of sightseers 一大群觀光者。

經典用法:a crowd of 一群, 一堆

be crowded with 滿是...

follow (go with) the crowd 隨大流, 從眾

3. gather: v.

(1) 聚集[攏] (2) 採集[摘]; 收集[獲, 拾] (3) 逐漸獲得[加快]; 漸增[強], 恢復 (4) 推斷[測]; 揣想; 了解; 結論; 得出想法

gather crops 收莊稼

gather flowers 採花

gather information [experience] 逐漸獲得訊息[積累經驗]

gather strength 恢復體力

gather taxes 收稅

gather one's brows 皺眉

the train gathered speed as it left the station. 火車離站時, 速度逐漸加快。

a crowd gathered to see what had happened. 一群人聚攏起來看發生了什麼事。

people gathered round, curious to know what was happening. 人們圍聚攏來, 很想知道發生了什麼事情。

what did you gather from his statement 你推想他的宣告是什麼意思

i gather she's ill, and that's why she hasn't come. 我想她是病了,所以沒有來。

4. shout: v. /n. 呼喊,呼叫

shout (out) orders 大聲發布命令

shout oneself hoarse 叫得聲嘶力竭

shout sb. up from the bed 大聲把某人喊醒起床

they shouted their disapproval. 他們喊叫表示反對。

he shouted with pain. 他痛得大叫。

the children on the sand were shouting with excitement. 沙灘上的孩子們興奮得大喊大叫。

經典用法:shout for help 呼救

5. refuse:(常與to連用)拒絕;不接受

she refused to help me. 她不肯幫助我。

joan's mother refused to consent to let her go abroad. 瓊的母親不答應讓她出國。

he asked me to marry him but i refused. 他向我求婚,但我拒絕了。

i refuse to answer that question. 我不願回答那個問題。

we were refused permission to enter. 我們被拒之門外。

6. laugh: v. /n. 笑,譏笑,洋洋得意

don't laugh at him. 不要嘲笑他。

laughed to herself at the memory 想起這些,她暗自發笑。

they are talking and laughing. 他們邊說邊笑。

green pines laugh in the breeze. 青松迎風歡笑。

laugh a hearty laugh 由衷地笑

laugh a reply 以笑作答

he laughed his dissent. 他笑著表示不同意。

you won't be laughing when the truth comes out. 一旦真相被揭露,你就不會洋洋得意了。

n. belly laugh [美口]縱聲大笑; 逗人發笑的事物

horse laugh 捧腹[哈哈]大笑; 嘲弄的笑聲

he told me the news with a laugh. 他笑著告訴我這個訊息

經典用法:laugh at: to treat lightly; scoff at 不以為意;對…一笑置之

laugh up (one's) sleeve 或laugh in (one's) sleeve : to rejoice or exult in secret, as at another's error or defeat 幸災樂禍/ she knew the truth all along and was laughing up her sleeve at us. 她早就知道真相,卻一直在暗中笑話我們。

burst out laughing 放聲大笑

die of laughing 笑得要死

don't make me laugh. [口, 諷]你太可笑了, 你真荒謬。

7. it would strike twelve in twenty minutes』 time.

strike: v./n. struck struck /stricken (1) 打;擊

he struck me with a stick. 他用棍子打我。

the bombers made a sudden strike on the harbor. 轟炸機對這港口進行了一次突然襲擊。


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