
2023-01-08 16:00:06 字數 1279 閱讀 4158





中圖分類號:f592.7 文獻標識碼:a 文章編號:0439-8114(2017)08-1445-05


plant resources investigation and evaluation based on the development of rural ecological tourism:a case study of the surrounding villages in the baima

mountain nature reserve

qin kun-rong1,wang hai-yang1,yu zhong-hua2,wang hua2

( of horticulture and landscape architecture,southwestern university,chongqing 400715,china;

horse mountain forest,chongqing 408527,china)

abstract: ecotourism is one of the rapid and effective ways to develop rural economy, taking baima mountain nature reserve of wulong, chongqing as an example, which are rich plant resources, including so many plants possessing the potential in ecotourism. based on field investigation and filtration, the plant elected was evaluated through analytic hierarchy process (ahp).

and the outstanding plan from crops was recommend, such as medicinal plant resources, ornamental plants and protected plants of 50 specles to develop the ecotourism.


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