
2022-12-17 10:39:04 字數 1822 閱讀 7950



how much is admission?how much is the entrance fee?買兩張票。

two tickets, please.那個建築物是什麼?what's that building?

它的歷史有多久?how old is it?我們能進到裡面嗎?

can we go in?

can we go in? (我們能進到裡面嗎?)of course.

(當然能。)我們去看看那座城堡吧。let's go to see the castle.


what a beautiful view!我想多呆一會兒。i want to stay longer.

我們走吧!let's le**e now.我想休息一會兒。

i want to rest a want to rest for a want to rest.

i want to take a rest.


may i take a picture here?

would it be all right if i took a picture here?您能給我們照張相嗎?

would you take a picture for us?will you take a picture of us?能和我一起照張相嗎?

would you mind posing with me? *pose 「(為了繪畫和拍照)擺出姿勢、樣子」。我會把**寄給你的。

i'll send the pictures.哪兒有禮品店?

where is the gift shop?where can i find the gift shop?洗手間在哪兒?

where's the bathroom?which way is the bathroom?is the bathroom around here?

could you tell me how to get to the bathroom?how can i get to the bathroom?出去然後往左拐。

it's outside, to the 's outside, on the 's outside, to your left.

it's outside, on the left-hand 's outside, on your left.我能走得到嗎?can i walk there?

is it walking distance? *walking distance 「能夠徒步行走的距離」。do you think i could walk there?


you should take a bus.

can i walk there? (我可以走得到那兒嗎?)you should take a bus.

(你最好坐公共汽車。)it would be better if you took a 'd recommend taking a 'd better take a bus.今天晚上的節目是什麼?

what's on tonight? *on除了表示「在……之上」之外,還有類似「電影上映,戲劇上演」的意思。what's playing tonight?

what are you showing tonight?一共演多長時間?

how long does it last? *last有表示「連續,持續」的意思。how long will it last?how long is it?幾點演完?

what time will it be over?what time will it end?


1.有沒有搞錯 考 考 2.早說不就得了 早3.小氣鬼 4.真難得呀 5.烏龜配王八 何奴 幹嘛!真是個討厭的傢伙!別理他!他們是烏龜配王八 注 原指身份低下的人,後轉指醜男 醜女 6.我上輩子欠你的前世 借 良 為什麼對我這麼好?b.前世 借 我上輩子欠你的!7.去死!死 a.本當 財布 落實在對...

旅行外出拉桿箱設計調查及總結報告 2

班級 工業設計091班 組別 第三組 小組成員 吳方圓 組長 楊軍紅張艷 時間 2010 2011學年第1學期 指導教師 侯偉 一 調查目的 無論是出差或者旅行,乙個適合自己的拉桿箱,越來越成為現代人們的外出必備品。我們是青島理工大學的在校大學生,為旅行外出拉桿箱的設計所做的調研。本問卷面向的物件是...


bali 在巴厘島的語言中,根本就沒有 天堂 這個詞語,或許生活在天堂裡的人是不需要把這個詞語經常掛在嘴邊的。沒錯,這裡就是天堂。而我的蜜月就選擇了這裡.關於前言 這次去巴厘島是蜜月,由於婚禮時間已經定了,所以蜜月的時間也就一起定了,8月份普吉島是雨季,巴厘島是旱季,正值暑假熱,其他地方消費略高,所...