英諺格言和其詳解 30

2022-12-10 02:45:02 字數 1159 閱讀 7957

57、sorrows remembered sweeten present joy. ----- pollok 不忘過去的痛苦,才能倍感今天的幸福。-----波洛克 sorrow means a feeling of sadness or distress caused esp.

by loss, disappointment or regret, grief.悲傷,悲痛,懊喪,悔恨。 sorrow後常跟的介詞有at/for/over.

例如:sorrow at somebody』s death因某人去世而悲傷。sorrowing over his child』s death因他孩子夭折而悲傷。

我們再來看一下這個單詞的另乙個固定搭配: more in sorrow than in anger:with more regret than anger for what was done.

感到遺憾,倒並不生氣。例如:it was more in sorrow than in anger that he criticized his former colleague.

他批評以前的同事,並非出於氣憤而是為他惋惜。 這句格言選自蘇格蘭宗教詩人波洛克的」時間的程序」。 58、one good turn deserves another.

善有善報/以德報德 turn,在這裡做名詞,解釋為(幫助或損害別人的)舉動,行為:do somebody a good (bad) turn.做一件有利(損)於某人的事。

除此以外,turn還可以做動詞,比如:turn a somersault翻跟斗;turn somebody against another使某人與另一人作對;turn a street corner沿街角拐彎。 再來學習幾個關於turn的片語:

turn upside down,顛倒,弄亂。don』t turn our arrangements upside down.別把我們的安排搞亂了;turn on the tears,一下子流起淚來;on the turn,正在轉變中;to the turn of a hair絲毫不差地。

deserve, to h**e earned something by good or bad actions or beh**ior,應受;值得。deserve punishment ( a reward )應受處罰(獎賞);deserve to be mentioned值得一提。