
2022-12-04 08:30:02 字數 6021 閱讀 5288

allow me. 讓我來。

my treat. 我請客。

it』s on me. 算我的(付款時)

after you. 您先。

bless you! 祝福你!

i decline! 我拒絕!

take care! 保重!

they hurt. (傷口)疼。

you bet! 當然

hold it! 打住!

what's up有什麼事嗎?

bottoms up! 乾杯(見底)!

guess what? 猜猜看?

count me on 算上我。

that's neat. 這很好。

do l h**e to 非做不可嗎?

you ask for it! 活該!

how come怎麼可能!

it makes no sense. 沒道理呀!

do not rush/push me. 別催我

god works上帝的安排。

sure thing當然!

he is my age. 他和我同歲。

take it easy. 別緊張。

i'm on a diet. 我在節食。

you set me up! 你出賣我!

i just made it! 我做到了!

i'll see to it 我會留意的。

it's her field. 這是她的本行。

it's up to you. 由你決定。

you owe me one.你欠我乙個人情。

easy does it. 慢慢來。

don't push me. 別逼我。

still up還沒睡呀?

i mean it我是認真的!

i don't mean it. 我不是故意的。

call it even扯平了

it can be a killer.這是個傷腦筋的問題。

don't over do it. 別太過分了。

follow my nose. 憑直覺做某事。

any day will do.哪一天都行

i』ll fix it我去搞定!

i'll fix you up. 我會幫你打點的

so far,so good. 目前還不錯。

i'm on your side. 我全力支援你。

no pain,no gain. 不勞無獲。

easy come easy go. 來得容易,去得快。well,it depends 噢,這得看情況。

we're all for it. 我們全都同意。

what a good deal! 真便宜!

you h**e my word. 我保證。

believe it or not! 信不信由你!

don't count on me. 別指望我。

don't fall for it別上當!

don't let me down. 別讓我失望。

it』s a long story. 說來話長。

the wall has ears. 隔牆有耳。

yes,i suppose so.是的,我也這麼認為。

you can't miss it 你一定能找到的。

don't be so modest 別謙虛了。

don't give me that! 少來這套!

i can't follow you. 我不懂你說的。

i felt sort of ill我感覺有點不適。

it is growing cool. 天氣漸漸涼爽起來。

it's going too far. 太離譜了。

the answer is zero. 白忙了。

here is your change. 這個你的零錢。

he always talks big.他總是吹牛。

if only i could fly. 要是我能飛就好了。

time is running out.沒時間了。

don't lose your head 不要驚慌失措。

he can't take a joke. 他開不得玩笑。

it really takes time. 這樣太耽誤時間了。

it's against the law. 這是違法的。

love me,love my dog.(諺語)愛屋及烏。

my mouth is watering. 我要流口水了。

don't be so childish. 別這麼孩子氣。 that rings a bell. 聽起來耳熟。

it's up in the air尚未確定。

i am all ears我洗耳恭聽。

why so blue怎麼垂頭喪氣?

you never know. 世事難料。

he is a fast talker. 他是個吹牛大王。

none of you keyhole. 不准偷看。

come on, be reasonable. 嗨,你怎麼不講道理。

you don't say so. 未必吧,不至於這樣吧。

don't get me wrong. 別誤會我。

don't trust to chance! 不要碰運氣。

fasten your seat belt. 繫好你的安全帶。

it doesn't make sense. 這沒有意義(不合常理)。

make yourself at home. 請不要拘禮。

none of your business! 與你無關!

not a sound was heard.一點聲音也沒有。

that's always the case. 習以為常了。

the road divides here.這條路在這裡分岔。

dinner is on me晚飯我請。

we h**e no way out. 我們沒辦法。

not in the long run. 從長遠來說不是這樣的。

good for you!你真不錯/好!

you do the math.你自己來算一下

i』m with you 我同意你的觀點

i』m all yours!我全聽你的

i』ll take care of it. 我會搞定的

just around the corner. 就在附近。

let bygones be bygones過去的就讓它過去吧。

first come first served. 先到先得。

great minds think alike. 英雄所見略同。

i owe you for my dinner. 我欠你晚餐的錢。

i'm fed up with my work!我對工作煩死了!

she's under the weather. 她心情不好。

they praised him highly. 他們大大地表揚了他。

all for one,one for all. 我為人人,人人為我。

i'll just play it by ear. 我到時隨機應變。

it's too good to be true! 好得難以置信。

that makes no difference. 沒什麼區別。

you mustn't aim too high 你不可好高騖遠。

you're really killing me! 真是笑死我了!

you've got a point there. 你說得挺有道理的。

that』s not the point.這不是關鍵/問題所在

don't cry over split milk. 不要做無益的後悔。

don't let chances pass by. 不要讓機遇從我們身邊溜走。

they are paid by the hour. 他們按時取酬。

a barking dog doesn't bite! 吠犬不咬人。

don't dream away your time.不要虛度光陰。

opportunity knocks but once. 機不可失,時不再來。

don't keep the truth from me.別瞞著我事實真相。

all that glitters is not gold. 發閃光的不全是**。

you'd better look before you leap.你最好三思而後行。

i won』t let her go without a fight! 我不會輕易放過她的

it could happen to happens.誰都可能會遇到這種情況

i hear you. 我知道你要說什麼/我懂你的意思了

nothing to see here!看什麼看!有什麼好看的

i think it works for me. (work為口語中極其重要的小詞)我覺得這對我有用。

you are out of my league(等級,範疇). 你跟我不是同一類人

let』s get the exam rolling. 現在開始考試了( get……rolling的用法)

i planed to go there but something just came up.我本想去那的,但突然有點事情my life flashes before my eyes. 我的過往在我眼前浮現。

just follow my lead. 聽我指揮好了。

let me put it this way... (這裡put等於say;我這麼說吧(後面跟解釋)

too bad we must return them. 很不幸,我們必須退還它們。

take my word for it. 相信我

i think i should give it a shot/go!我覺得應該嘗試一下!

that was close!/close one 好險

how come you are working here? 你怎麼在這裡工作?(how come=why,有驚訝的意思)

i』m gonna pay for it tonight. 今晚我要付出代價。

where were we?剛才我們談/做到**了?

you h**e to pick your moments/timing. 你說話得選時機。

you started it! 你先挑釁的

make it two/three. 再來一杯/份(餐廳點同樣東西時的經典用語,言簡意賅)

two coffee to go. 兩杯咖啡打包。

i was trying to reach you all night. 我找了你一晚上。

i was wondering/thinking if after work we could grab a cup of coffee?我在想……

what do you say i buy you a cup of coffee/we go take a walk? 我請你喝杯咖啡怎麼樣?(what do you say加從句,可用與徵求別人意見)

not that i know/think of. 據我所知沒有

i』m not really into sports.我不太喜歡體育

don't take ill of me. 別生我氣。

does it serve your purpose? 對你有用嗎?

there is nobody by that name working here.這裡沒有這個人。

i wonder if you can give me a lift?能讓我搭一程嗎?

i might hear a pin drop. 我能聽到乙個別針掉在地上(形容非常寂靜)。


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空號 中文 您好!您所撥打的號碼是空號,請核對後再撥。英文 sorry the number you dialed does not exist,please check it and dial later.2 被叫使用者關機 中文 您好!您所撥打的 已關機。英文 sorry the subscri...


29.let s begin now.現在讓我們開始。30.this is lesson one.這是第一課。31.what s this?這是什麼?32.that s a book.那是一本書。33.is this your book?這是你的書嗎?34.no,that s not my book...