
2022-12-03 08:33:02 字數 4876 閱讀 8899


提供txt umd jar手機書免費**




1. it's up to you.(由你決定。)

2. i envy [羨慕]you.(我羨慕你。)

3. how can i get in touch with you?

4. where can i wash my hands? (請問洗手間在**?)

5. what's the weather like today?(今天天氣如何?)

6. where are you headed [朝…方向行進]? (你要到**去?)

7. i wasn't born yesterday.(我又不是三歲小孩。)

8. what do you do for relaxation[消遣、娛樂]?(你做什麼消遣?)

9. it』s a small world.(世界真小!)

10. it』s my treat[請客、款待] this time.(這次我請客!)

11. the sooner the better. (越快越好。)

12. when is the most convenient [方便的;便利的] time for you?

13. take your time.(慢慢來/別著急。)

14. i'm mad about bruce lee.(我迷死李小龍了。)

i'm crazy[著迷的;狂熱愛好的] about rock music. (我對搖滾樂很著迷。)

15. how do i address you?(我怎麼稱呼你?)

16. what was your name again? (請再說一次名字好嗎?)

17. would you care for[喜歡] a cop of coffee?(要被咖啡嗎?)

18. she turns me off.(她使我厭煩。)

19. so far so good.(目前為止,一切都好。)

20. it drives[逼迫;迫使] me crazy.(它把握逼瘋了。)

21. she never showed up[出席;露面].(她一直沒有出現。)

22. that's not like him.(那不象是他的風格。)

23. i couldn't get through.(**打不通。)

24. i got sick and tired of hotels.(我討厭旅館。)

25. be my guest.(請便、別客氣)

26. can you keep an eye on my bag?(幫我看一下包好嗎?)

27. let's keep in touch.(讓我們保持聯絡。)

28. let's call it a day[決定或同意暫時或永久停止(進行某事)].

29. i couldn't help[避免;阻止] it.(我沒辦法。)

30. something's come up[發生/出現].(有點事/出事了)

31. let's get to the point[要點/核心問題].(讓我們來談要點。)

32. keep that in mind.(記住那件事。)

33. that was a close call.(太危險了/千鈞一髮)

34. i'll be looking forward to it.(我將期待這一天。)

35. chances are slim[渺茫的;微小的].(機會很小。)

36. far from it.(一點也不。)

37. i』m behind in my work.(我工作進度落後了。)

38. it's a pain in the neck[麻煩的事(人)].(那真是件麻煩事)

39. we're in the same boat.(我們處境相同。)

40. my mouth is watering.(我在流口水了。)

41. what do you recommend?(你推薦什麼?)

42. i ache all over.(我渾身痠痛。)

43. i h**e a runny nose.(我流鼻涕。)

44. it's out of the question.(這是不可能的。)

45. do you h**e any openings?(你們有空缺嗎?)

46. it doesn't make any difference.(沒什麼差別/無所謂。)

47. i'm fed up[極其厭煩] with him.(我受夠他了。)

48. you can count on[指望;依賴] us.(你可以信賴我們。)

49. it doesn't work.(壞了;不動了。)

's better than nothing.(總比什麼都沒有好。)

51. think nothing of it.(別放在心上。)

52. i'm not myself today.(我今天心神不寧。)

53. i h**e a sweet tooth.(我喜歡吃甜食。)

54. i can't express[表示;表達;表明] myself very well in english.


55. for the time being.(暫時;暫且;目前)

56. this milk has gone bad.(這牛奶變質了。)

57. don't beat around the bush. (別拐彎抹角了。)

58. it's up in the air[懸而未決].(尚未確定。)

59. math is beyond[對某人而言難以想象/理解/估計] me.(我對數學無能為力。)

60. it slipped my mind.(我忘了。)

61. you can't please[使人感到滿意和愉快] everyone.(你不可能討好每乙個人。)

62. i'm working on[著手;從事] it.(我正在努力。)

63. you bet!(當然!)

64. drop me a line[簡訊].(寫封信給我)

65. are you pulling my leg[同某人開玩笑;取笑]?(你在開我玩笑嗎?)

66. sooner or later.(遲早會的。)

67. i'll keep my ears open.(我會留意的。)

68. it isn't much.(那是微不足道的。)

69. neck and neck.(不分上下。)

70. i'm feeling under the weather.(我覺得不舒服/精神不好/情緒低落。)

71. don't get me wrong[誤解].(不要誤會我。)

72. i'm under a lot of pressure.(我壓力很大。)

73. you're the boss.(聽你的。)

74. it doesn't make any sense!(毫無意義!)

75. if i were in your shoes[處在某人的位置].(如果我是你的話。)

76. what's this regarding?(這是關於哪方面的?)

77. over my dead body!(休想!)

78. can you give me a hand[幫手;援助]?(你能幫個忙嗎?)

79. we h**e thirty minutes to kill[消磨;打發(時間)].(我們有三十分鐘空閒時間。)

80. whatever you say.(隨便你。)

81. it'll come to me.(我會想起來的。)

82. you name[具體地(說出來)] it!(你說出來。)

83. time will tell.(時間會證明的。)

84. i will play it by ear[見機行事;臨時現做].(我會見機行事的;到時候再說。)

85. you should take advantage of[利用] it.(你應該好好利用這個機會。)

86. let's talk over coffee.(我們邊喝邊談。)

87. take it easy.(輕鬆一點;別緊張;放鬆放鬆;再見。)


88. i'm easy to please[使…高興;討…喜歡].(我很容易取悅/相處。)

89. let's give him a big hand.(讓我們熱烈鼓掌。)

90. as far as i'm concerned.(就我而言。)

91. i'm all mixed up.(我全搞混了。)

92. let's get together one of these days.(找一天聚聚。)

93. he's behind the times.(他落伍了/跟不上時代了。)

94. i'm pressed for time.(我時間緊迫。)

95. i'm up to my ears[忙得不可開交;深陷於某事物中] in work.(我忙死了。)

96. you can't do this to me.(你不能這麼對我。)

97. just to be on the safe side. (為了安全起見。)

98. i hope i didn't offend you.(希望沒有冒犯你。)


英語吵架 句 1.stop complaining 別發牢騷!2.you make me sick 你真讓我噁心!3.what s wrong with you?你怎麼回事?4.you shouldn t h e done that 你真不應該那樣做 5.you re a jerk 你是個廢物 混球...


1.i see.我明白了。2.i quit 我不幹了 3.let go 放手 4.me too.我也是。5.my god 天哪 6.no way 不行 7.come on.來吧 趕快 8.hold on.等一等。9.i agree。我同意。10.not bad.還不錯。11.not yet.還沒。1...


1.i see 我明白了。2.i quit 我不幹了 3.let go 放手 4.me too 我也是。5.my god 天哪 6.no way 不行 7.come on 來吧 趕快 8.hold on 等一等。9.i agree。我同意。10.not bad 還不錯。11.not yet 還沒。1...