
2022-11-30 22:54:04 字數 4926 閱讀 6418



1.拌豆腐絲 : shredded tofu with sauce

2.拌雙耳 : tossed black and white fungus

3.冰梅涼瓜 : bitter melon in plum sauce

4.冰鎮芥蘭 : chinese broccoli with wasabi

5.朝鮮辣白菜 : korean cabbage in chili sauce

6.川北涼粉 : clear noodles in chili sauce

7.刺身涼瓜 : bitter melon with wasabi

8.香吃茶樹菇 : spicy tea tree mushrooms

9.拌爽口海苔 : sea moss with sauce

10.巧拌海茸: mixed seaweed

11.蛋黃涼瓜 : bitter melon with egg yolk

12.水晶蘿蔔 : sliced turnip with sauce

13.臘八蒜茼蒿 :crown daisy with sweet garlic

14.香辣手撕茄子 :eggplant with chili oil

15.香椿豆腐 : tofu with chinese toon

16.拌香椿苗 : chinese toon with sauce

17.白菜墩 : sweet and sour chinese cabbage

18.韭菜鮮桃仁: fresh walnuts with leek

19.老醋泡花生: peanuts in vinegar

20.涼拌金針菇: mixed golden mushroom and vegetable

21.皮蛋豆腐: bean curd with preserved egg

22.涼拌海帶: tossed kelp in sauce

23.涼拌海蜇: tossed jelly fish in sauce

24.桂花糖藕: sliced lotus root with sweet sauce

25.薑汁皮蛋: peserved egg in ginger sauce


1.燒茄子: braised eggplant with soy sauce;

2.西紅柿炒雞蛋: scrambled egg with to tomato

3.雞肉燉土豆: stewed chicken with potato

4.炒土豆絲: stir fried potato strips

5.魚香肉絲: stir-fired shredded pork with chili sauce

6.炸蘑菇: deep-fried mushroom

7.扒油菜: stewed sliced rape

8.燒芸豆: braised yundou

9.溜豆腐: crisp fried tofu

10醋溜白菜片: fried cabbage with sour sauce

11.白菜粉絲: chinese vermicelli with cabbage

12.炒青菜: saute vegetable

13.炒青豆: fried green peas

14.炒青辣椒: fried green pepper



1.魚香肉絲: stir-fired shredded pork with chili sauce

2.白爆魚丁: fish cubes in white sauce

3.水煮魚: hot fish

4.紅燒魚: fish in brown sauce

5.紅燒魚頭: stewed fish head with brown sauce

6.剁椒魚頭 steamed fish head with chilli pepper

7.豆豉多春魚 : shisamo in black bean sauce

8.酥鯽魚 : crispy crucian carp

9.炒大蝦: fried prawns

10.香辣蟹 sautéed crab in chilli sauce

11.大閘蟹: steamed crab


1.宮寶雞丁: kung pao chicken

2.八寶雞: chicken stuffed with "eight-treasures"

3.八寶扒鴨: braised duck with "eight-treasures"

4.八寶全雞: roast chicken with "eighit-treasures"

5.白斬雞: chopped cold(boiled) chicken

6.紅燒雞絲翅: braised shark』s fin with shredded chicken

7.魚香雞片: sautéed sliced chicken with chilli and garlic sauce

8.北京烤鴨: beijing roast duck

9.白靈菇扣鴨掌 :mushrooms with duck feet

10.蔥油鵝肝 : goose liver with scallion and chili oil

11.水晶鴨舌 : duck tongue aspic

12.香椿鴨胗 : duck gizzard with chinese toon

13.水晶鴨舌 : duck tongue aspic

14.滷水鴨舌 : marinated duck tongue

15.滷水鴨膀 : marinated duck wings

16.香糟鴨捲 : duck rolls marinated in rice wine

17.鹽水鴨肝 : duck liver in salted spicy sauce

18. 口水雞 : steamed chicken with chili sauce

19.水晶鵝肝 : goose liver aspic


1.醬香豬蹄: pork trotters in soy sauce

2.鮑魚紅燒肉: braised pork with small abalone

3.地瓜燒肉: stewed diced pork and sweet potato

4.東坡方肉: braised dongpo pork

5.冬菜扣肉 : braised sliced pork with preserved vegetables in casserole

6.清蒸甲魚: steamed turtle

7.回鍋肉片: sautéed sliced pork with pepper and chilli

8.椒鹽肉排: spare ribs with spicy salt

9.臘肉炒香乾: sautéed preserved pork with fermented soy bean

10.梅乾菜扣肉: steamed sliced pork with preserved vegetables

11.雪菜炒肉絲: sautéed shredded pork with preserved vegetables

12.湖南牛肉; hunan beef

13.乾燒牛肉: shredded beef, sichuan style

14.蔥爆羊肉: sautéed mutton slice with scallion

15.紅燜羊排: braised lamb chops with carrot

16.烤羊腿 roast lamb leg

17.陳皮兔肉 : rabbit meat with tangerine fl**or

18.乾拌牛舌 : ox tongue in chili sauce

19.龍眼風味腸 :sausage stuffed with salty egg

20.豉油乳鴿皇 : braised pigeon with black bean sauce

21.紅燒牛柳 : braised bee


1.高湯: thin soup; light soup; clear soup; consomme

2.清湯: thin soup; light soup; clear soup; consomme

3.濃湯: thick soup; pottage/potage

4.老湯: soup stock

5.肉湯: broth

6骨頭湯: bone broth

7.肉片湯: soup with meat slices

8.黃瓜肉片湯:soup with meat and cucumber slices

9.肉片魚羹: sliced meat with fish paste in broth

10.丸子湯:soup with meat balls; pork balls soup

11.氽丸子:soup with meat balls; pork balls soup

12.肉圓粉絲湯:pork balls soup with bean noodles

13.白肺湯:pork lung soup

14.牛肉湯:beef soup


string bean 四季豆 pea 豌豆 green soy bean 毛豆 soybean sprout 黃豆芽 mung bean sprout 綠豆芽 bean sprout 豆芽 kale 甘藍菜 cabbage 包心菜 大白菜 broccoli 花椰菜 mater convolvulu...


廣東工業大學 中英文課程名稱對照表 目錄公共課程 5 材料與能源學院 6 金屬材料與工程 6 高分子材料與工程 7 電子科學與技術 電子資訊材料及元器件方向 8微電子學 9 材料成型及控制工程 材料加工及資訊化 10材料成型及控制工程 模具cad cam 11熱能與動力工程 熱能工程方向 12熱能與...

零件中英文名稱標準 交流工具

七.開關 通用件 switch 八.電容 capacitor 九.電感 inductor 十.電源線及插頭 cord plug 十一.避振帽 rubber buffer 十二.接線插片 terminal lug 十三.接線插針 terminal pin 其他零部件 一 砂光機類 1.擺動支架 sup...