
2022-11-13 09:21:02 字數 2731 閱讀 4589

1. shame washed over her face.(湧入,湧上)


suddenly, a new idea washed over/occurred to me.

2. 她聽到這個訊息很激動,說不出一句話。

thrilled at the good news, she couldn』t say a word。

3. 當他來到他父親的家時,他突然感到悲傷和懊悔。

when he arrived at his father』s house, suddenly sadness and regret filled his heart.

4. 年輕人怒氣沖沖地向父親大喊道:「你有那麼多錢,卻只給我一本《聖經》 ?

angrily,heraisedhisvoicetohisfatherand said, "withallyourmoneyyougivemea bible?"

5. 然後他丟下《聖經》,憤怒地衝出房子。

he then stormed/dashed out of the house, le**ing the bible.


curious, but somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound bible, with the young man』s name embossed in gold.

7. 他站著不說一句話,眼淚從臉頰上滾下來。

he stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks

8. 不能為了別人的夢想而活著。

never live someone else』s dream.

9. 假如你的選擇權僅限於似乎可能或合理的範圍內, 你將遠離自己的真心。

if you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want.

10. 他因恐懼而呆住,站在那兒一動不動。

frozen with fear, he stood rooted to the spot.

consumed with/overwhelmed by fear, mac didn』t know what to say.

11. 他意識到問題的嚴重性。

he comprehended the gr**ity of the situation。

12. 時間似乎停止了,儘管他們可能只在那兒二至三分鐘。

t ime seemed to stand still, though they were probably there for only two or three minutes.

12. 一股力量立刻取代了jane不斷增長的恐懼和焦慮。

a sense of strength immediately replaced the mounting fear and anxiety in jane's mind.

13. makcik 躺在那裡,沒有一點知覺。

makcik was lying in bed, unconscious.

14. jane and tom 的快樂是非常巨大的。

jane and tom』s joy was immense.

15. 他突然閃現一絲恐懼。

the thought of fear crossed his mind.

16 .讓tom記憶深刻的事件

the event that stands out intom's memory

17. 她砰砰地敲門。

shepoundedthe door

was frightened to death./ mac was terribly scared/ struck by fear.

19. /numb with fear/frightened, mac couldn』t say anything.

20. a frightened feeling crept/ swept over his heart.

21. mac』s heart was beating wildly/violently /was pounding and his hands were shaking. his face turned pale and eyes were full of horror.

22. mac shook all over, feeling like sitting on pins and needles.

23. my mind was quite focused, my spirit firm, and my mood entirely free of worry.

24. marvelous/amazing/breathtaking

25. fascinated/obsessed with/passionate with/enthusiastic about

26. nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

27. a man who fails to reach the great wall is no a here.

28. what he said reached something deep inside me.


1 坐著小船,飄盪在湖中,領略著周圍的美景。一艘艘小船,從身邊行過,一艘艘小船又從遠處來,共同形成了一條流動的風景線。坐在船後,看著翻騰的浪花,想著心裡的她。掬一捧南湖水於手中,感受著她帶來的清涼。看著湖水,想多多接觸她,更好的理解她。遂俯身趴在船邊,把手伸進湖水裡,靜靜的體會她。水手交接之處,泛起...


描寫秋天的詞語 秋高氣爽秋風蕭瑟秋風紅葉秋風習習春華秋實三秋桂子 一葉知秋桂子飄香霜葉知秋落葉飄零秋草枯黃枯枝敗葉 漫江碧透秋涼如水一汪秋水秋月如鏡秋水盈盈望穿秋水 秋菊盛開霜葉如醉滿山紅遍層林盡染菊黃蟹肥天高氣爽 秋風送爽秋風消署陰雨連綿淒風苦雨霜葉紅遍的秋天 滿山紅葉的秋天金桂飄香的秋天北雁南飛...

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