
2022-10-27 06:33:02 字數 1905 閱讀 2757







with the recent rapid development of china's economic development and urban construction, underground engineering construction industry, more and more increasing scale, which requires the construction unit of the building foundation earth exc**ation proper construction. the building construction earthworks are the most important part, it is not only the foundation construction project, or core construction works. if the construction, the quality of its construction earthworks no effective protection, it will affect the structural reliability of the entire building project.

so we building construction, we must do a good job of building earthworks construction technology control management. however, due to the expanding urban construction, with the corresponding construction safety accident rate is also on the rise, especially in the presence of deep foundation earthwork construction problems are more serious. so, how to improve the safety of earthworks construction accident analysis and prevention, is important for the safety of construction building earthworks.

in this *****, earthworks construction safety accident analysis and prevention to investigate the object, the main settlement earthworks construction safety issues.


裝置是國民經濟發展的重要物質技術基礎,也是人民生活,社會交通和工農業生產的基本手段。裝置安全執行能促進生產發展,使企業獲得經濟效益 裝置的異常狀態能導致事故發生破壞生產發展,使企業失去經濟效益,因此,裝置是重要的安全管理物件。一 認識裝置事故的一般規律是預防 控制裝置事故的前提 裝置事故的一般規律,...


福建省惠安開成建築工程學校陳志陽 摘要 筆者根據對103項基坑l程事故原因的調查與分析,提出以預防為主的處理措施及改善深基坑工程現狀的建議。關鍵詞 深基坑工程事故預防處理措施 一 前言 深基坑工程在建築工程中占有重要地位,是當前工程界關注的熱點,是技術較為綜合 複雜的難點,同時也是提高建築工程質量,...

高空墜落事故的預防 控制方法

高處墜落事故的預防 控制方法,是在揭示了人的異常行為 物的異常狀態,以及人與物的異常結合,是導致與構成高處墜落事故的規律,運用其規律和預防 控制事故原理,聯絡安全管理的需求而產生的 以促使人與物在高處作業中規律運動和改變其異常運動 從本質上超前預防 控制高處墜落事故的科學方法。所謂高處作業,是指在距...