
2022-12-31 09:27:05 字數 4679 閱讀 7815




1. 基礎 -- 核心句寫作


a. 小作文一般是應用文,包括各種書信(道歉,投訴,諮詢,申請,辭職,感謝,安慰,推薦),通知和工作備忘錄。不過考的是上述的哪一種,寫作的重點都是要把事由用一句話寫清楚,這句話就是我們現在要訓練的核心句寫作。

b. 大作文近幾年考的都是看圖說話,所以2006靠的很可能也是圖畫文章。這就要求我們文章第一段學會用一句話描述清楚圖畫的內容,這句話也就是我們現在要訓練的核心句寫作。

c. 即便大作文不考圖畫作文,也一定是議**。者也要求我們在第一段能用一句話就說清楚要評論的事物或現象,這句話也是我們現在要訓練的核心句寫作。


說明: 先定主語和謂語,再在主語前,主語和謂語之間,及謂語後分別新增細節,爭取做到資訊不缺失,句子完整,平衡,不出語法錯誤。最終的句子模型:

[, , , ]

步驟1:看清圖畫的主要含義,並因此確定s + v .(或者s + vt + n)迅速寫出句子。每幅圖一句。


例如a lamp is flickering.


1.找出可以修飾主語的形容詞(單個的放在主語前邊)a small oil lamp is flickering.

2.找出主語的同位語後加定語從句 (主語後)a small oil lamp , the only object that gives off light , is flickering.

3.找出可以修飾主語的介詞短語 (主語後邊)a small oil lamp , the only object that gives off light in the picture, is flickering.

4.找出主語發出的其它動作,做成伴隨狀語,放在主語前做匯入standing lonely but full of confidence, a small oil lamp , the only object that gives off light in the picture, is flickering.

步驟3 圍繞謂語展開細節並新增到句子當中,包括:

1.找出可修飾動作的副詞,放在謂語後standing lonely but full of confidence, a small oil lamp , the only object that gives off light in the picture, is flickering quietly.

2.看看動作發生的時間和地點可不可以用介詞短語來做,放謂語及副詞的後邊,地點在前,時間在後standing lonely but full of confidence, a small oil lamp , the only object that gives off light in the picture, is flickering quietly in the darkness all the time.

3.看看句子謂語動作造成什麼結果或意義沒有,如果有,做成後置的伴隨狀語standing lonely but full of confidence , a small oil lamp , the only object that gives off light in the picture, is flickering quietly in the darkness all the time,bringing brightness to everything around it.


步驟4 如果謂語後有賓語,再按主語擴充套件模式略作處理(加前後定語,盡量短)

最終版本:standing lonely but full of confidence , a small oil lamp , the only object that gives off light in the picture, is flickering quietly in the darkness all the time,bringing brightness to everything around it. (37字)



1. an american girl appears pleasant.

2. a beautiful young american girl appears pleasant.

3. a beautiful young american girl, an international student, appears pleasant.

4. a beautiful young american girl, an international student who is dressed in traditional chinese costume, appears pleasant.

5. standing under a tree, a beautiful young american girl, an international student who is dressed in traditional chinese costume, appears pleasant.

6. standing under a tree, a beautiful young american girl, an international student who is dressed in traditional chinese costume, appears obviously pleasant.

7. standing under a tree, a beautiful young american girl, an international student who is dressed in traditional chinese costume, appears obviously pleasant, her eyes twinkling, her face lit up, full of delight and excitement.

最終版本:standing under a tree, a beautiful young american girl, an international student who is dressed in traditional chinese costume, appears obviously pleasant, her eyes twinkling, her face lit up, full of delight and excitement. (34字)




1. these dogs were abandoned and h**e been causing trouble.

2. these vicious dogs were abandoned and h**e been causing trouble.

3. these vicious dogs, two german shepherds which were bought, were abandoned and h**e been causing trouble.

4. these vicious dogs, two german shepherds which were bought by my neighbor three weeks ago, were abandoned and h**e been causing trouble.

5. last week, these vicious dogs, two german shepherds which were bought by my neighbor three weeks ago, were abandoned and h**e been causing trouble.

6. last week, these vicious dogs, two german shepherds which were bought by my neighbor three weeks ago, were abandoned and h**e been causing trouble in our neighborhood ever since.

7. last week, these vicious dogs, two german shepherds which were bought by my neighbor three weeks ago, were abandoned and h**e been causing trouble in our neighborhood ever since, barking day and night, le**ing waste everywhere, and even attacking both residents and passers-by. (44字)

1. 起點就是終點 (提示:主語是男孩,謂語是跑向終點)


私 住 部屋 日本 土地 値段 非常 高 家 建 部屋 借 費用 私 住 部屋 私 國 比 高 畳 部屋 畳 臺所 付 萬円 風呂付 部屋 高 借今 少 殘念 思 風呂 近 銭湯 我慢 私 部屋 二階 南向 日當 向 公園 環境 地下鉄 駅 歩 分位 學校 分位 行 満足 私 國 季節 日本 年 月...


三步寫好考研英語作文 教你如何寫好英語作文 很多同學都知道,大作文對於我們來說,似乎有乙個非常神奇的數字 三 我們知道 道生一,一生二,三生萬物 這個 三 恰恰是考研英語大綱對寫作的要求。第一步 描寫現象。其實很多同學都了解,我們的考研英語寫作為什麼提到三方面,去瀏覽大綱的話,你發現它在確定我們考研...


第一段 描述圖畫 闡釋寓意 第二段 原因分析 or 舉例論證 第三段 總結歸納 or 解決措施 歷年考研英語寫作試題型別分析 一 1991年 話題 生活在城市還是鄉村 考題型別 個人偏好 1992年 話題 父母和孩子之間缺乏溝通 考題型別 無形社會問題 1993年 話題 電視廣告 考題型別 無形社會...