
2023-02-15 16:54:03 字數 4154 閱讀 8737



選擇疑問句表示提供兩種或兩種以上的情況,要求對方在所提供的範圍、物件內選擇。在所提供的最後乙個備選物件前面用表示選擇關係的並列連詞or(或者),朗讀時or前用聲調,or 後面用降調,句末用問號。



例如:shall we go there by bus, bike or train? 我們乘公共汽車、自行車還是火車去?(備選物件為三者)

would you like some tea or coffee? 你要茶水還是咖啡? (備選物件為二者)

did you stay at home or at school yesterday? 你昨天呆在家還是在學校?(備選物件為二者)


例如:which would you like best, english, chinese or math? 你最喜歡哪門學科,英語、語文還是數學?

when will you go to canada, sunday or monday? 你何時去加拿大,星期天還是星期一?


回答選擇疑問句時,一般在所提供的備選物件範圍內選擇,有時也要視具體情況作靈活處理,但是不能用yes / no來回答,一般用乙個完整的陳述句或其簡略形式,主語和謂語均省略。近年來的考試趨勢逐漸使用乙個關鍵詞,即不定代詞作簡略回答。


─ are you going to borrow a dictionary or a magazine?

─ _2023年江蘇南通)

a. yes, a dictionary b. no, a magazine c. a magazined. yes, both

分析:選項a, b, d不能回答選擇疑問句。選項c是從備選物件中選擇了其中的一項來回答的,符合語境。


─would you like chicken noodles or beef noodles?

─_i』d like tomato noodles. (2023年寧波)

a. either b. neither c. both d. none


─which do you like better, math or physics?

─__i』m interested in them and quite good at them. (2023年烏魯木齊)

a. both b. none c. either d. all


─when shall we go to the museum, this afternoon or tomorrow morning?

─__is ok. i』m free these days. (2023年重慶)

a. both b. all c. either d. neither

分析:備選物件是二者,先排除b。空格處填肯定詞either,意為「今天下午和明天早上任意乙個時間都可以。」選項d 表否定不符合上下文的邏輯,故選c。

3、如果備選物件是三者,可任選其一時,就用one of them(他〈它、她〉們中任意之一);三個物件都選就用all;三個物件都不選就用none。

─which do you like best, coffee, water or juice?

─__i only like tea.

a. both b. either c. neither d. none

分析:備選物件是三者,排除a, b, c。選擇d選項,意為「咖啡、水和果汁都不喜歡。我只喜歡茶水。」


1. what would like, milk or coffee?

─__just a cup of tea. (2023年新疆)

a. both b. either c. neither d. none

2. which do you like better, skating or skiing?

─__of them. i like running. (2023年福州)

a. all b. both c. either d. neither

3. do you want tea or coffee?

─__i really don』t mind. (2023年青島)

a. both b. none c. either d. neither

4. do you like the pop star zhou jielun or the move star liu dehua?

─__i am not their fan. (2023年重慶)

a. both b. either c. neither d. all

5. which do you prefer, bananas or oranges?

─__i enjoy eating apples. (2023年廣東)

a. both b. either c. neither d. all

6. which do you like better, hamburgers or hot dogs?

─__i just like chinese food. (2023年濱州)

a. both b. either c. neither d. none

7. which do you prefer, a cd player or a walkman?

─__i prefer the new kind of mp4. (2023年蘭州)

a. both b. none c. neither d. either

8. do you like talking with your friends on the telephone or mobile phone?

─__i enjoy using 年黃岡)

a. neither b. either c. both d. none

9. what day is it today, wednesday or thursday?

─__it』s friday. (2023年山東臨沂)

a. either b. both c. none d. neither

10. which do you prefer, orange juice or coke?

─__thanks. i』d like just a cup of tea. (2005 年重慶)

a. either b. neither c. both d. none

11. which sweater do you prefer, the yellow one or the blue one?

─__please show me a green one. (2023年雲南玉溪)

a. both b. none c. neither d. either

12. which do you prefer, coffee or cola?

─__thanks. i』d like a cup of tea. (2023年雲南)

either b. both c. neither d. none

13. ─when shall we go to the cinema, this afternoon or tomorrow morning?

─_is ok. i』m free these days. (2023年重慶)

a. both b. all c. either d. neither

14.─ are you going to buy the red skirt or the blue one?

a. yes, the red one, b. no, the blue one, d. yes, both d. the red one.

一般疑問句和特殊疑問句 講解及練習

答 盡可能地不使用一次性用品 延長物品的使用壽命 包裝盒紙在垃圾中比例很大,購物時減少對它們的使用。4 小蘇打和白醋混合後,產生了一種新物質 二氧化碳氣體,這種氣體能使燃著的火焰熄滅,這樣的變化屬於化學變化。10 由於人口迅速增長 環境汙染和全球氣候變暖,世界人均供水量自1970年以來開始減少,而且...


反意疑問句 the disjunctive question 即附加疑問句。它表示提問人的看法,沒有把握,需要對方證實。反義疑問句由兩部分組成 前一部分是乙個陳述句,後一部分是乙個簡短的疑問句,兩部分的人稱時態應保持一致。句型解釋 1 陳述部分肯定式 疑問部分否定式可記為前肯後否定.2 陳述部分否定...


一 英文中的反意疑問句。1 什麼是反意疑問句 英語中,反意疑問句是由陳述句和附在其後的附加疑問句組成。其中附加疑問句是對陳述句所說的事實或觀點提出疑問,起證實作用,一般用於證實說話者所說的事實或觀點。2 反意疑問句用法說明 注意 反意疑問句前後兩部分謂語應是,肯定陳述 否定疑問 或 否定陳述 肯定疑...