
2023-02-15 16:42:03 字數 4342 閱讀 4294

1 essential/vital/significant (重要的)

2. show great interest in /take interest in(對---感興趣)

a sense of(養成---的意思)

4. challenging 困難)

5. be of great help(importance,use,value)對---有幫助(重要,用,價值)

6. eventually (最後)7. hurry home (急急忙忙回家)

9. thanks to/ owing to/ (由於---

10. it happens that (碰巧--,正好--)

11. on condition that (如果)

12. turn out to 證明是---結果是---

13. for the purpose of (為了---

hearing the news (當聽到---

15. h**e trouble in doing sth (不能做---

16. result in (導致)17. endless homework(許多作業)

18. care nothing for(不喜歡)

19. be under construction (在建造中)

annoyed with (對---生氣)21. on schedule (按時)

22. be occupied with/bury oneself in. 忙於---

23. show great interest in: be fascinated by (對---感興趣)

24. threaten people』 lives. (威脅人們的生命)

25. personally (speaking); based on one』s personal idea;


an apology to sb (向某人道歉)

27. be involved in/ participate in (參加)

28. be faced with (面對---29. offer/ organize 組織)

30. an increasing number of people (越來越多的人)

of many different kinds (很多不同種類的活動)

the performance given by the students from (**由---演出的表演)

33. live a happy life (過著幸福生活)

34. catch sight of (突然看見)35. all of a sudden ( 突然)

36. h**e a strong appetite for knowledge (對知識的渴望)

37. in a hurry (急急忙忙)

what one can to do/ spare no effort to do


39. without hesitation/ delay (立刻)

40. for the reason that (因為---

41. exhausted ( 很累,精疲力竭)

42. be astonished at (對---感到吃驚、意外)

43. in no time (立刻,馬上)44. swiftly (快的,迅速的)

accustomed with (習慣於---

love; prefer; enjoy; be interested in; be fond of.


dislike; be tired of; lose interest in.(不喜歡)

excited; pleased; satisfied.(高興)

sad; worried, disappointed, terrified, mad; frightened (生氣)

50. be determined to do (決定做某事)


52. be addicted to, be crazy about, be absorbed in


53. make use of(使用)54. pay a visit to(參觀)

55. be supposed to(應該)56. be located in(位於)

57. be expected to(希望,期待)58. be scared(害怕)

well as(和) (送)

the time with(和---一起度過的時光)

in great need of(急需)


1. on one』s way to (再去---

2. do a good deed 做好事)

3. be thankful to sb for sth (對---感謝、感激)

4. throw off one』s clothes 迅速脫掉衣服)

5. be too frightened to move (害怕的不敢動)

6. struggle for (為---奮鬥、努力)

7. pay a visit to (參觀)

8. be about to do sth, when (正要---突然---

9. learn a lesson from (從---中得到教訓)

10. teach sb a lesson (給某人乙個教訓)

11. keep the lesson in mind (牢記教訓)

12. make up one』s mind (下決心)

a loss of (造成損失)

the sun setting down (隨著太陽的下山)

goodbye to (向---告別)

the passing of the time (忘記了時間的過去)

in lost in (沉寂在---之中)

at the time (正在這個時候)

long (不久) to normal (恢復正常)


good to (對---有益) harm to (對---有害)

a view (持---的觀點) waste of 浪費)

5. h**e an effect on (對---有影響)

6. advantage and disadvantage (優點和缺點)

crazy about (對---著迷) lost in (沉寂於---

one』s surprise (使某人吃驚的是)

10. result in (造成---


high/ rich in (在---方面富有)

an advantage over (在---方面有優勢)

similar to (與---相似)

popular among (在---中流行)

(包含,包括) from (-與---不同)

(可口的) (美味的)

made from (由---製成) made of 由---製成)


有吸引力的) 著迷的)

(推薦) great value (很有益)

worth doing (值得做--)

high quality (高質量)

only---but also---不但—而且--)

good to (對---有好) good for (對---有益)


ready to do (準備做---


幽默的,風趣的) 溫柔的)

as 這就是---elected a model (被選為模範)

deeply respected and loved (深受尊敬和愛戴)

great honor for (以---感到榮幸)

keep the record of (打破、保持記錄)

10. set a new record (創造乙個新的記錄)

片語 a good eating habit(養成好的飲食習慣)

healthy/keep fit(保持健康)

up body(增強體質)

knowledge(獲得知識) country(服務國家)

value time(珍惜時間)

one』s knowledge, broaden one』s horizon



more attention(引人注目)

he**ily burdened with(負擔過重)


1.表對比和轉折 conversely相反的是 on the contrary恰恰相反 by contrast in contrast as opposed to與 相對應 whereas.可是 與while用法相同 however放在句中,前後用逗號隔開,比放在句中使用更有逼格despite th...


外語系 foreign language department 話劇比賽drama competition 英語演講比賽 english speech contest 八系辯論賽eight departments invitational debate competition 黑板報設計大賽 bla...


a matter of 幾 分鐘,里路,塊錢等 的事 大約,左右 是個 問題,事關 about of 即將 打算 absent from 不在 缺席 absorbed in 吸引 專心於 account for 說明 原因 解釋 佔 adhere to 粘附在 上 堅持,遵守 依附 adjust t...