
2023-02-15 14:48:02 字數 3658 閱讀 6623




module 1

unit 1 friendship


1. 對……好

2. 合計

3. (使)平靜下來

4. 對……關心

5. 在度假

6. 照顧

7. 遛狗

8. 參加考試

9. 考試舞弊

10. 經歷;經受

11. 故意

12. 記下;放下

13. 擅長

14. 不再

15. 對……厭煩

16. 將(東西)打包

17. 相愛;愛上

18. 與……相處,進展

19. 遭受;患病

20. 收到……來信

ⅱ. 根據中文意思寫出下列單詞並注意使用適當的形式。(20分)

1. his cheating in the exam使……不安)his teacher.

2. it is wrong of you to無視)your parents』 advice.

3. he使冷靜)himself down soon when he was caught.

4. the chinese government is關心)about the growth of the teenagers.

5. many people like to wear寬鬆的)clothes in the hot summer to make themselves comfortable.

6. ann lived in amsterdam in荷蘭)during world war two so as not to be caught by the德國)nazis.

7. most boys like to play在戶外)if the weather is good.

8. during the dark, rainy evening, the打雷)and lightning held me completely in their power.

9. thanks to the development of science and technology, nowadays farmers』 work can be完全)done by machines.

10. every four years the citizens vote to decide which political party will come to權力).

11. when mr. green came into the house, he noticed that someone was hiding behind the窗簾).

12. she found some積滿灰塵的)old books under the bed when cleaning the house.

13. tired of moving from one place to another, he定居)down in a peaceful mountain village for the rest of his life.

14. 「how many專案)are there on your shopping-list?」 she asked me patiently.

15. it will h**e to take a long time for her to恢復)from the illness.

16. the passengers were required to put their行李箱)at the back of the bus.

17. this film is intended for十幾歲的青少年)who are interested in cartoons and fairy tales.

18. the boss chose tom to be the manager because he thought he was正是)the right man for the job.

19. the villagers were感激)to the scientists because he helped them increase the crop harvest.

20. the article gives us some技巧)in ****** friends.

ⅲ. 翻譯下列句子。(25分)

1. 好朋友就是能和你分享快樂和憂傷的人。(share…with)

2. 我故意熬到11點半不睡覺,為的是獨自好好看著月亮。(stay awake, on purpose, in order to)

3. 這是他第一次用電子郵件與筆友交流。(the first time; communicate with)

4. 在朋友的幫助下,我最終完成了這項工作。(with the help of)

5. 網路使人們即使身處世界的不同角落也完全可能面對面地交流。(face to face; even if; entirely)

ⅳ. 語法填空。(15分)

anne frank was a girl 1live) in amsterdam during world war ⅱ.she and her family had to hide away from the german nazis 2___they were jewish. they stayed in the hiding place for nearly twenty-five months 3___they 4discover) and caught.

5___able) to go outdoors, anne could only look 6___the dusty windows at the world outside. but she wanted 7___friend to 8___she could tell her deepest feelings and 9think), so she made her diary her best friend. she wasn』t satisfied with only setting down a series of facts in a diary.

she named her diary kitty and treated 10___like a human friend.




as we know, nobody can go without friends. a good friend is someone who makes us happy or impressive. friendship helps us understand who we are, why we need each other and what we can do for each other.


1. 內容只需涉及乙個方面;

2. 必須用生活事例。



unit 2 english around the world



2. 因為;由於

3. 現在;目前

4. 充分利用;使用

5. 例如;像這樣的

6. 扮演角色;起作用

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