
2023-02-11 18:00:04 字數 4728 閱讀 7609








例:he is a student in class two, grade seven.

he is not a student in class two, grade seven.

i can sweep the floor.

i can』t sweep the floor.

she has finished the activity book.

she hasn』t finished the activity book.

注:be、情、助與not的縮寫都是把not變為n』t(will not=won』t 除外)。



例:she reads english news***** every evening.

she doesn』t read english news***** every evening.

he learned english yesterday evening.

he didn』t learn english yesterday evening.


例:i h**e some new sweaters and jackets.

i don』t h**e any new sweaters or jackets.



例:they can speak english .

can they speak english ?

he is a student in class two, grade seven.

is he a student in class two, grade seven?

she has finished the activity book.

has she finished the activity book?


例:she reads english news***** every evening.

does she read english news***** every evening?

he bought a pair of white trousers yesterday.

did he buy a pair of white trousers yesterday?

注:若陳述句中包含有i, me, my, mine時,則要相應地改為you, you, your, yours。

例:i went to the zoo with my mother last sunday.

did you go to the zoo with your mother last sunday?



語句順序為:yes +主語+ am /is/ are/was/were.|can.

|do/does/did|; no +主語+ am not/ isn』t/ aren』t/wasn't/weren't.|can't.|don't/doesn't/didn't|.。

如:are you an english teacher?

yes, i am. /no, i am not.

did he buy a pair of white trousers yesterday?

yes,he did./no,he didn』t.

can they speak english ?

yes,they can./no,they can』t.

was it a funny holiday?

yes,it was./no,it wasn』t.




(1)、what「什麼」,用於對人名、物名、事件、職業、日期、天氣、看法等提問 。

my name is lily.

what is your name?

he is a teacher.

what is he?

2)、what class「哪個班」,用於對班級提問。

she is in class 3.

what class is she in?

3)、what grade「哪個年級」,用於對年級提問。

i am in grade 6.

what grade are you in?

4)、what color「什麼顏色」,用於對顏色提問。

he likes red.

what color does he like?

5)、what time「幾點鐘」,用於對點鐘提問。

it』s 7:00.

what time is it?

6)、what day「星期幾」,用於對星期提問。

today is monday.

what day is it today?


i often go to school by bike.

how do you often go to school?

8)、how old「幾歲」,用於對年齡提問。

he is 13 years old.

how old is he?

(9)how tall 「多高」,用於對身高的提問。

li ming is 163 cm.

how tall is li ming?

(10)how he**y 「多重」,用於對體重的提問。

she is 43 kg.

how he**y is she?

11)、how many「多少」,用於對可數名詞的數量提問。

there are 29 students in our class.

how many students are there in your class?

12)、how much「多少」,用於對不可數名詞的數量和價錢提問。

there is a lot of water in the bottle.

how much water is there in the bottle?

13)、how long「多久」,用於對過去一段時間或過去至將來一段時間提問。

i h**e taught here for 6 years.

how long h**e you taught here?

14)、how soon「多久」,用於對現在至將來一段時間提問。

they will plant trees in a week.

how soon will they plant trees?

(15)、how often「多久」,用於對頻率提問。

i clean the room twice a week.

how often do you clean the room?

16)、how many times「多少次」,用於對次數提問。

they can jump 50 times in a minute.

how many times can they jump in aminute?

(17)how far 「多遠」,用於對距離的提問。

it is 1000 meters from my home to school.

how far is it from your home to school?


class 1 won the game.

which class won the game?


we are going to macao this weekend.

when are you going to macao?


he lives in beijing.

where does he live?


例句時態以一般過去時為主 一 肯定句一般疑問句 1.有be動詞或情態動詞 am,is,are,was,were,can,could,would,should等 be動詞或情態動詞搬句首 第一 第二人稱互換 some改成any,and改成or 句末改成問號 例 i was at home yester...


小學語文 句型轉換練習題集錦 一 一 反問句與陳述句 有時為了表達的需要,可以把陳述句變為反問句,也可以把反問句變為陳述 句,它們的意思相同,語氣有所不同。一 反問句變陳述句 1 先刪去反問詞 怎能 怎麼 難道 等等 有的句子可適當再加上 很 都 等,使句子表達的意思更準確。2 看句子裡的有沒有否定...


1一 反問句與陳述句 有時為了表達的需要,可以把陳述句變為反問句,也可以把反問句變為陳述句,它們的意思相同,語氣有所不同。一 反問句變陳述句1 先刪去反問詞 怎能 怎麼 難道 等等 有的句子可適當再加上 很 都 等,使句子表達的意思更準確。2 看句子裡的有沒有否定詞 不 有的給刪去,沒有的給加上。3...