
2023-02-09 12:33:02 字數 4441 閱讀 7127

when you h**e obtained sufficient充足的 data ___a___ come to a sound正確的 conclusion結論.

a. can you b. you can c. would you d. you would

2.____b__ that this region was so rich in natural resources.資源

a. little he knew b. little did he know

a. little he did know d. little he had known

again ___d___ political office職務 after his 1928 defeat for the presidency.**的職位

a. alfred e. smith seriously sought

b. seriously alfred e. smith sought

c. when did alfred e. smith seriously seek

d. did alfred e. smith seriously seek

翻譯:2023年競選失敗後,alfred 再也不曾認真的爭取政治上的職務。

in recent years ___c___ begun to realize that wild dogs, kept within bounds界限, often do more good than harm. 利大於弊

a. people h**e b. since people h**e

c. h**e people d. people who h**e

5.____b___, we were not going to make any concessions妥協 to his unreasonable過分的 demands.

a. what may come b. come what may c. may what come d. what come 不管發生什麼

until i shouted at the top of my voice ___b___ his head.

a. that he turned b. did he turn

c. he didn』t turn d. he had turned


7.____d__ received law degrees as today.

a. never so women h**e women aren』t ever

c. women who h**e never d. never h**e so many women

not so…as:不如,不像

8. heat does not tr**el傳導 by convection對流 in solid, because the solid does not move, ___c___.

a. so does a liquid b. so a liquid does c. as does a liquid d. so is a liquid


no account絕不 ___c___ to anyone.

a. my name must be mentioned b. must my name mention

c. must my name be mentioned d. my name must mention

10.____c__ that they may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites工地 by 90 percent.

a. such construction robots are clever

b. so clever the construction robots are

c. so clever are the construction建築 robots

d. such clever construction robots are

11.____c__ do we go for picnics.

a. certainly b. sometimes c. seldom d. once

12.___c___ is it only the ignorant 無知的 and ill-educated person who has such faith in the bottle of medicine.

a. either b. often c. nor d. usually


13. her answer is not acceptable可接受的, and ___c___.

a. neither am i b. either is mine

c. neither is mine d. mine is neither

14. ___a___, i must do another experiment.

a. be it ever so late b. it is ever so late

c. it be ever so late d. so late it be ever

be it:由於,因為沒有倒裝

fast ____d__ that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.

a. light tr**el b. tr**els the light

c. do light tr**el light tr**el

sneeze噴嚏 cannot be performed voluntarily自願的,自發的 ___b___ be easily suppressed.忍住

a. nor it can b. nor can it c. it cannot d. and cannot it

17.____b__ notebook and report that i promised you last week.

a. here is the b. here are the c. is here the d. are here the

18.___c___ a little more time to think, he might h**e acted more sensibly.明智的

a. if he took b. if he has taken c. had he taken d. should he take

虛擬語氣:從句:had+done 主句:might h**e done

our feet ___d___ that our life depends on for food and clothing.

a. the earth lay b. the earth lies c. lie the earth d. lies the earth

20.____d__ the beginning of the 19th century did scientists know that all matter物質 is made up of atoms.原子

a. at b. by c. up to d. not until

____a__ he got out of the court法院 ______ the reporters raised a lot of questions to him.

a. had … when b. had…than c. did…when

d. has…thanhardly…when一…就

these books ___b___ a dictionary that his father g**e him as a birthday present.

a. h**e included b. is included c. has included d. are included

longer are contributions to computer technology confined 限制to any one country; ___a___ is this more true than in europe.

a. nowhere b. hardly c. little d. seldom


____c__ his discovery was, it was regarded as a matter of no account價值的 in his time.

國際商務管理學》 第20章練習題

第二十章國際商務人員管理 一 單項選擇題 1 下列哪乙個是採用產品型組織 a 諾基亞 b 通用電氣 c 荷蘭的公司 d 比利時的公司 2 下列哪乙個不是國際企業對於員工的要求 a 業務能力 b 公司文化適應能力 c 國際文化適應能力 d 外匯風險預防能力 3 下列哪一項不屬於生活津貼 a 住房津貼 ...


第3章定址方式及指令系統 3 指令主要有哪些分類方式及其主要類別是什麼?4 運算元的定址方式有哪些?並舉例說明其主要特點。6 設cs 1000h,ds 2000h,es 3000h,ss 4000h,ip 100h,sp 200h,bx 300h,bp 400h,si 500h,則 下一條待執行指令...


一 單項選擇題 1 對全國各鐵路交通樞紐的貨運量 貨物 種類等進行調查,以了解我國鐵路的貨運量 的基本情況和問題,這種調查方式屬於 a 普查b 抽樣調查 b 重點調查 d 查型調查 2 為比較男性和女性每年花在三種奢侈品上的平均金額,使用哪一種圖為最好 a 直方圖 b 圓形圖 c 條形圖 3 統計分...